“Why not? The people who are the most fucked-up need the most love.”

“Maybe, but they’re also the hardest people to love, Ella.”

“Maybe,” she shoots back, and a sad smile falls on her mouth. “But maybe having their love in the end is more worth it.”

“Are we talking about you or me right now?” I narrow my eyes and place the water bottle onto the kitchen table.

“Just love, Raze. Obviously we’re not talking about me.”

“Jesus, how’d you get so hooked on love? You’re from a place that only evil rises from but yet you’re in love with this idea of it. Love is an illusion, Ella. It’s not real.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way.” Ella smiles again and I’m once again shocked at how much she resembles our mother. Soft dark brown hair, one dark eye and one slightly off colored green, blue eye which are surrounded by thick eyelashes. I cock my head and study her features more. She has plump little lips and a slight dip in the middle of her chin, but when she smiles, she has a dimple in her left cheek. Holy shit, she looks like Beast. I guess me and Beast have similarities in the feature department, but I’m blond and he’s dark-haired, like our mother and like Ella. They both have brown eyes, except one of Ella’s is bright blue-green. She’s had it since she was born, like she got half of me and half of Beast. Ella has always been ashamed of her eye because people stare. She thinks they’re staring because it looks weird, but the fact is that Ella is classically beautiful. The different color eye only throws people off. Ella and Beast both have dark eyelashes with a slight olive tint to their skin, too. I share that same complexion, but have fair-colored eyes and hair, thanks to Kurr.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” she asks.

I shake my head. “You look like Mom. And like Beast, our brother.”

“We… have a brother?”

“Yes. He is who you are going to stay with. I won’t let anything happen to you, Ella. I’ve taken care of you this long, haven’t I?”

She smiles, nodding her head. “Yes, yes you have. This brother, though, I know I can’t ask questions about business, but is he…” She pauses and I stretch my legs wide.

“Crazy? Fucked up?” I smirk. “He’s the president of a motorcycle club.”

She swallows. “Great.”

“Hey!” I lean forward, my hand wrapping around her chin. Searching her eyes, I whisper, “You got this.” Her eyes search mine nervously before finally settling.

Nodding her head, she answers, “Yes. Yes, okay.” I let go of her chin and push my chair back. “Raze?” she whispers. “You deserve to be loved.”

I swallow and smile back at her before walking out. I’m used to Ella talking about love, but that got deep fast. I care about her the way a brother cares about his sister, and I’d kill anyone that hurts her, but I don’t mistake that for love. Love is a label I have no interest in, even when it comes to family. Family. The word itself means nothing to me. Kurr is my father and I hate him with a fire that burns so large it could set alight an entire village, but Miles and I aren’t family, and I’d kill and die for him. So the word “family” means jack shit to me.

“Miles!” I yell up the stairs as I walk past.

Miles comes running out. “Yeah?”

“I need you to clear out Millie’s room.”

He pauses, coming down the stairs one at a time. I look up at his face to find it broken, almost like a kid that was told Santa isn’t real. “She’s still coming, Miles,” I assure him and his frown lifts to a smile. “I need you to move her shit into my room.”

His grin deepens. “Shit got real, then?” He quirks an eyebrow.

“Shit’s about to.” I go to walk away and he races down the stairs quickly.


I stop. “Yeah?”

“What about Ella? She gonna be safe?” he asks, watching me closely.

I shrug. “I’m hoping so.”

“Hoping so?” Miles chuckles. “She’s your sister, Raze.”

“And? Family means jack shit to me. I care about her, and I hope for their sake they don’t hurt a hair on her delicate little head, but Millie is more important to me.”

“You just said that off the bat without blinking.” His tone is blank.