She takes a large gulp of her orange juice, a smile evident around the rim of the glass, before clearing her throat. “Because, honey, no one watches Ali G now, and it sort of slapped me out of the blue.”

“Melissa.” I shake my head. “When are you going to learn that I don’t care about what anyone else thinks?”

“You’re right.”

We both clean the rest of the food on our plates just as Hella comes back down the stairs in his full biker clothes. And by that I mean jeans, a black t-shirt, and his Devil’s cut hanging off of him. He nudges his head at me and Melissa. “Meet you ladies down there.” He walks towards Melissa and wraps his hands around the back of her thighs, lifting her into the air so her legs have to wrap around his waist. She giggles shamelessly and I pick up my juice again, taking a long drink to take my eyes off of their PDA.

Hella places her back down and slaps her loudly on the ass. Melissa yelps, jumping forward. I turn my eyes back to Hella with a smile.

“What’re you smiling at, puddin’?” He grins and walks out the kitchen. My face drops and my eyes fall to a knowing glare.

“Huh.” Melissa takes my plate and slowly scrapes the leftovers into the bin that sits under the sink. “What’s going on Melissa?”


“What’s going on?”

“Shit,” she mutters, placing the plates into the sink. “Don’t be mad…”

“Spit it out.”

“Okay. Raze… wants Beast and Hella to agree to swap something of importance to this club—you —for something equally as important, Beast and Raze’s sister Ella, which by the way is fucking messed the fuck up. Just when I thought things could—”

“Melissa! First of all, calm down, I already know about the swap, but second of all, I am not of importance to this club, so why would Raze offer that?”

“Okay, um, shit…” Melissa blurts out. “So, you’re right. You aren’t of importance to the club. I mean, you weren’t…”

“Pardon? Can you hurry up and get to the point, because you’re giving me anxiety.”

“Raze doesn’t know this yet…”

“Know…” My eyes search around the room. “What?”

“Well,” Melissa says, placing the plates into the dishwasher. “You needed to be of importance to the club in order for this swap to work or else it would be unbalanced. Hella tried to say because you were my sister that you were family, but it didn’t work for Beast. It’s why he’s the president; the man drives a hard bargain.” She begins wiping down the kitchen counter with a paper towel. “At church last night, Frost had an idea…”

I cock my head. “What kind of idea?”

“Well, actually, it’s already been done and you have to trust me…”

“Trust you?” I blurt out. “How can I when you won’t even spit out what the hell you’re saying?”

“In order for this swap to happen, for you to be protected by the club and protected in this exchange and for the exchange to be balanced…” She pauses and I suck in my breath. “You had to become Frost’s old lady.”

The breath gets punched out of me all at once and I curl over. “Fuck!”


My phone ringing in my pocket pulls my brain out of Avenged Sevenfold’s lyrics. Reaching in, I pull it out and slide it unlocked to answer. “Yeah?”

“Do you fucking know what you’ve just done?” Millie’s tone is hushed and urgent.

My eyebrows draw together and I pull the other earbud out of my ear before walking towards the bench where my towel is hanging.

“What’d I do now?” After squirting the cool water down the back of my throat, I pour some over my head.

“You have just turned me into club property.”

That gets my attention. “Wait, what?” I drop the water bottle.