Raze – I didn’t. She’s with someone else now, I moved her out.

Me – Moved her where?

Raze – stop fucking around, pet. I’m not a patient man.

Me – Fine. Pick me up when you have Ella ready, and then, you’re going to fill me in on this plan.

Raze – Yeah, baby. I can do that. Get some sleep.

I scrunch my face up at his reply. Get some sleep? The man just woke me up. Huffing, I put my phone back down and close my eyes.


The next morning I’m stretching my arms over my head when the early morning sun breaks through my curtains. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I push the covers off and make my way into the bathroom to freshen up. Raking my fingers through my hair, I pile the bundle of mess on the top of my head and pull open the door to head towards the kitchen where I can smell oil frying with the sweet hint of bacon and the crackling of fried eggs.

“Morning!” I chirp, walking into the kitchen. Melissa turns around with a smile on her face and spatula in her hand.

“Morning, sis. Hungry?”

I nod, taking a seat onto one of the barstools. “Please.”

“So,” she begins, turning her back to face me again to tend to our breakfast. “How was your night?”

Reaching for the cold carton of orange juice and a glass that’s already filled with ice, I begin pouring the juice into my glass while answering her. “It was fine. Yours?” I ask, sucking off the juice that drips onto my finger.

She bobs her head. “Same club stuff. Drank too much and all that.” Turning around with the frying pan in one and the spatula in the other, she dishes some food onto my plate.

“Morning!” Hella steps into the kitchen with his grey sweatpants hanging loosely around his narrow waist. When I first met Hella, I thought he was attractive in a way that would mind-fuck you senseless. He has an impressive body, but then, nothing really impresses me now that I’ve seen Raze naked. Hell, Raze not naked is still a sight to behold.

“Morning.” I smile at him as he walks towards Melissa and pulls her in for a kiss. I grin at the two of them. I was worried for a second throughout their relationship, not being sure it would work out. They were explosive, to put it lightly. They were probably the most dysfunctional relationship I have ever witnessed, but seeing how they are now warms my heart.

Hella picks up a piece of bacon and smirks at me, biting off the end and chewing on it slowly.

I shuffle uncomfortably on my seat. “Umm, and what is that look for?” I point my finger towards his smug mouth.

He chews again and then his tongue darts out of his mouth and slides across his bottom lip, licking the salty oil off. “Nothing.” He grins again, keeping his eyes locked on mine.

I narrow my eyes. Melissa looks between us and exhales. “For the love of god, Hella! Leave her alone.”

“What!” I blurt out. “Why are you seriously looking at me like that? Those dimples should only be aimed at Melissa. She gets jealous, remember?” I smirk, remembering how jealous Melissa got when she thought Hella was into me.

His mischievous grin deepens. “Fuck, I think I like this side better than the little nun side.”

“Excuse me! You!” Melissa points her finger in my direction. “Shut the fuck up right now, and you!” She turns to Hella. “If you want any ass later, I’d suggest you flutter those eyelashes at me and only me.”

“Psshhh,” Hella whips his head back smugly, taking another piece of bacon with one hand and grabbing his crotch with the other. “You know you can’t deny this shit.” Melissa goes to whack him and he laughs deeply, stepping back and dodging her swing before running up the stairs.

“Yeah, you better run,” she yells towards Hella’s departing form. “Jerk.”

I’m stifling my chuckles when she turns her icy stare towards me. “Wow!” I throw my hands up in defeat. “I did nothing.” Her glare slowly drops and turns into a smile. “What was that about anyway?” I ask, throwing my head over my shoulder.

“Oh, that?” She points before sliding my plate towards me. “That was Hella letting you know that he knows you’re fucking the biggest kingpin—Lord, God, the mother-fucking Buddha of the underground. Jesus, Millie, really? Are you invested in this guy or what? Talk to me.” She walks around the breakfast bar with her plate in her hand.

“I don’t know,” I say, biting into my pancake. “I mean,” I add around a mouthful of food; I’m all manners. “Do I care about him? Yes. Is his sexy time good? Yes—”

“I’m sorry,” Melissa blurts out, banging on her chest to calm her choking on her pancake. “Did you just say ‘sexy time’?” She reaches for the orange juice.

“Yeah, like Ali G. You used to make me watch it all the time when we were kids! Why are you laughing at my reference now?”