I nod. “I’m fine. I’ll give you my number, though.” I ramble it off to her as she taps it into her phone. My phone dings in my hand.

“There, now you have mine. I’m serious, Millie. Anything, text me and I’ll be there.”

“We,” Jada adds with a wink. “We will be there. Except this one.” She points to Meadow. “Because she’s pregnant with the little princess.”

“Okay—wait! You’re having a girl?” I ask Meadow.

She smiles, nodding her head. “I am!”

“Congratulations to you, and good luck to Beast! Poor dude.”

Meadow laughs. “He’s terrified. I think it’s the only time I’ve ever seen something shake him to the bone. He has this entire list of weaponry that he’s going to get printed out with the title ‘My dad’s toys’ in bold lettering.” I laugh and she shakes her head. “No joke. He’s already getting the big list printed in huge letters onto her nursery wall.”

“Holy crap,” I giggle. “That’s really cute.”

Her laughter fades out and she smiles. “It’s very cute.”

I look to Jada. “How’s Garret? I’ll come and see him tomorrow.”

“He’d love that and he’s been the same. Driving me crazy and all that. He says he has a girlfriend now and he wants to bring her over.”

“Oh, so pretty serious, then?”

She nods, smiling around the rim of her glass. “Very serious.”

A black Rolls Royce pulls up with black rims, black tints, and lowered pretty close to the ground. “Okay, this is me. I’ll be back later, okay? But don’t wait up.”

I kiss Melissa on the head and she smiles weakly. “Okay I won’t, but promise me you’ll be careful?”

I steal her shot of tequila, shoot it back, then wipe my mouth. “I promise.”


Walking back outside, I pull open the passenger door and slide onto the plush leather seat. Reaching for my seatbelt, I smile without looking directly at Raze. “Hi.”

He doesn’t respond, so I bring my eyes to his. His finger traces over his upper lip while his eyes remain hooded and studying me. He has loose basketball shorts on and a white tank with a baseball cap flipped backwards. He always looks his age when he works out. Not that he looks old when he’s in one of his classy suits, but seeing him like this is different too. And damn, he looks just as hot as I remember. His piercing grey eyes laser into me with far too much intensity and his dark blond hair is still shaved close to the scalp on the sides to display his scalp tattoos. I can see the short messy strands peeking out of the hole in the cap. My eyes run over his thick tattoo-covered arms—tattoos I’ve come to recognize so well—before coming to his thick neck where more live. A deep vein cuts up over his neck and pulses under his flesh as my eyes gloss over and my head tilts.

He clears his throat and I snap my eyes back to his to find him smirking. “You done checking me out?”

“Just drive,” I say blankly as he puts the car in reverse and pulls out. We’re hitting the highway when I finally break the silence. “How’d you know where I was?”

He snorts. “I always know where you are, pet. That shit will never change.” He takes the exit I know is towards the McDonald’s we go to and I shake my head. “Are you hoping nuggets will make me forget about everything you’ve done?” I ask as he pulls us into the drive-thru.

“No,” he answers, “but it’s a start.” After ordering a big bag of nuggets, he takes us back onto the highway.

“I feel like I needed fries, too.”

He looks at me over his arm. “What? You want me to turn around?”

I shake my head. “No. I think that’s the alcohol talking.”

“Yeah,” he whispers. “I can smell the tequila from here.”

“You judging me?” I quirk my eyebrow as he continues to drive. “What if you’re the reason I was drinking?”

“I’ll take that.” He smirks. “That means there’s a part of you that cares, which drove you to drink.”

“Huh.” I smile. “So you’re an optimist?”