Me – For you, I’d say part time…

Miles – Okay quit teasing me now, my cock is testing the limits of my jeans… Me – now that’s an image I don’t want to erase…

Miles – You’re going to get us both killed.

Me – How is he?

Talking about Raze for me is fine. I still get jealous when I think of him and Cassia, but I’ve calmed down enough to realize I feel something for him. Enough to know I care how he has been.

Miles – Truth or lie?

Me – Well lie of course.

Miles – Your sarcasm is not funny, puddin’. He’s been on edge.

Me – Shocking. Really, I’m shocked.

I place my phone back down and start on my makeup. The club is having a cookout tonight so I decided to go and show my appreciation for them coming to get me. They didn’t have to. I wasn’t their problem. Even if I was Melissa’s sister, I wasn’t anyone’s old lady; I wasn’t club property.

Miles – More than usual. What are you doing tonight?

Me – I’m heading to the clubhouse. They’re having a cookout so I thought I’d pop in and show my appreciation for what they’ve done for me.

He doesn’t text back right away, so I let my hair out to trail down my back from the bun it was in, fluffing it up with my fingers before walking into the media room to ruffle through the bag Miles packed for me.

Pulling out a pair of white skinny jeans and a tight t-shirt, I slip the clothes on and walk out of the media room, passing the bathroom on my way to get my phone and push it into my back pocket. Taking the stairs two at a time, I bolt into Melissa’s room and straight for her closet, finding some red Chuck Taylors and slipping them on.

“It’s like all those years you didn’t act like a sister have all been piled on top of each other at once,” Melissa chuckles from the doorway.

I frown, turning around to face her slowly. When she sees my face, she pushes off the doorframe and walks towards me. “Oh no, I didn’t mean it like that.”

I shake my head and smile, swallowing how that hurt me a little. I didn’t mean to be a neglectful sister, and had I known what that was doing to her, I might have spent more time with her instead of practicing my faith. “Have you called Mom?”

Melissa nods her head, walking in and dropping onto the bed. “Yeah, she knows you’re alive. You should call her, though. She’s been sick with worry.”

“I will,” I whisper. “I’ll call her tomorrow.”

Melissa nods. “You better, or she will fly here and be a whole new problem for us.”

I laugh, standing and brushing off my jeans.

“Girl, you look hot, but are you sure you wanna wear that?” Melissa gestures at me. “You know Frost has a little thing for you, right?”

I laugh, walking towards her and placing my hands on her shoulders. “He just liked the idea of sleeping with me. He told me himself.”

“When?” she asks, standing from the bed.

“One of the nights I was helping out in the kitchen. He’s brutally honest, but he told me flat out that he had this sick image of fucking me until the blood of my innocence trickled down my thighs…”

“Jesus, that man has no filter.”

I laugh. “Yeah, at the time it disturbed me. Now I think I admire his word play.” “You like words, huh?” Melissa asks, hooking her arm in mine.

I smile. “Yeah, I guess I sort of do.”

“Hmmm,” she begins as we walk out of her bedroom. “Maybe you’ll be a badass author! That shit would be dope.”
