“Why’d she do that?” Beast asks. “I mean, why the fuck did she stay in there and detonate that fucking bomb?”

I take a drink of my beer. “Mom wasn’t happy. She lived with regret for you. Her biggest mistake she said she ever made was allowing them to take you. It fucked her up. And then me and Ella? She was in over her head and Mom was weak, man. Towards the end, she was weak and was going to be a liability, however, so I would have preferred her ass be planted somewhere locked in a cell rather than dead.”

I had plans to lock her up until everything had finished because truthfully, I knew deep down that my mom was going to fuck things up somehow. Her hate for Kurr was just as strong as mine, probably even more, but the difference between her and me is she let that hate consume her. Her hate had her by the fucking neck. So as much as I wanted to save her, deep down I knew that there was no way. My only regret is that she died for nothing because Kurr fucking lived.

“So this shit is legit?” Beast says.


“Yeah, one problem!” Hella holds his hand up. “My woman is not going to let us just take Millie again.”

“So I’ll convince Millie,” I say with a shrug.

“You think she’s going to be that easy to convince?” Hella quirks his eyebrow. “She’s Melissa’s sister.”

“Yeah, I do, because you’re going to help me.”

“Fuck,” he mutters in defeat.

I smirk, rising from my seat and dropping some cash on the table.

“What’s the deal with that?” Hella asks.

I notice he’s the one asking the questions now. Beast is just watching me closely and Frost has remained quiet throughout the entire conversation. “If we could skip the Millie part, that’d be great, because I have a meeting with Hachiro—who was the man who supposedly purchased Millie—in an hour.”

Beast nods. “What’s the plan then?”

“I’m setting up a meeting for two nights from today. At my house. Are you in?” I ask, drinking the rest of my beer.

Beast nods. “Yeah, we’re in. Oh, and Raze?” He looks at me with intensity. “You fuck us on this and I don’t give a fuck who you are, I’ll kill you myself.”

I smirk and walk towards the door. “I don’t second guess that at all, brother.”


I’d been back at the house for two days when I decided to pick up my cellphone and text Miles. Me – Hey, how’re you?

Miles – Puddin’?

Me – Yep

Miles – Good. How’re you? We miss you around here…

Me – by “we” you mean you and Cassia, right?

Miles – Har, har. Almost forgot how funny you can be…

Me - :P

Miles – Put that tongue back in your mouth before I give it a job to do.

I burst out laughing, placing my phone onto the bathroom counter to twist my hair into a messy topknot bun.

Me – Well lucky for you, she’s looking for work…

I really shouldn’t be teasing, but both Miles and I know it’s just friendly flirting. I wouldn’t dare act like this around anyone else.

Miles – Really? *wiggles eyebrows* full time or part time?