“And why the fuck should I believe you?”

“Well, you don’t have to, but if you were smart, and I think you are, you’d know I wouldn’t bullshit about something like this.”

“How the fuck old are you?” Beast asks.


“How the fuck did you get this position?”

“I was groomed for it since I was a kid. It was between me and you, but they chose me.” I can’t stop the cocky smile on my mouth.

“I’m feeling like I didn’t get the full experience of The Army,” Hella whispers to himself. Beast gives him a bored expression.

“You’re telling me that you hold the power in the underground world?”

I shake my head. “No. Just when shit goes down between families or transactions turn ugly, they all answer to me.”

“Jesus Christ,” Hella adds. “You’re a legend on both sides.”

I look back at Beast. “Ask me anything and I’ll tell you. This plan has been brewing for ten years.”

“Ten years? You’ve been planning this for ten years?”

I nod. “What? You think I’m daddy’s little psychopath?” I question with an arched brow. “No.”

“We were at the compound all our lives. We never saw you once. How do I know you’re not lying?”

“What? You think they only had one? No. I was raised in the second sector, the one that’s not far from here.” I pause and take a pull of my beer. “Regarding your trust issues, I have a proposition. Has Millie said anything about the two girls I keep at my house?”

Hella shakes his head. “Nah, man. Melissa said that they talked when they got back last night, but when Melissa asked her about you, Millie shut down. She didn’t tell her shit, but Melissa could see she was hiding whatever she knew.”

Something about knowing Millie didn’t say shit fills me with something. Pride? Was I proud of her? Taken aback? A bit of both. She’d make the perfect boss wife, if someone could rein in her crazy side.

“Transaction. One of mine, for Millie, until this is over. That way, I’d have someone of importance to you and you would have someone of importance to me.”

“I’m not stupid, man. You don’t give a shit about either of those girls you have.”

I smirk. “Not entirely true. I personally don’t give a fuck. But business-wise? I guess one is an asset. But the other? She’s… I guess important to me.”

“How so?” Hella asks.

“Well, Cassia is the love child of the President of the United States of America. Ella…” I pause, turning my head to Beast. “Ella is our sister.”

“What!” Beast pushes up from the table. “What the fuck are you talking about? Just how many fucking kids did our mother have?”

“No one knows. Ella’s identity is to remain unknown, understood?”

Beast watches me closely before taking a seat back down. “How the fuck do you explain this shit?”

“She’s my full blood sister, your half. Kurr got our mother pregnant before he had a mission in Germany.”

“Was that in ‘95?” Beast asks, cocking his head. I nod and he continues. “I vaguely remember.”

“Anyway, you were gone for a few months. When you came back, Kurr met Ella and blew up.”

“Blew up how?” Beast asks.

“Beat the shit outta mom. I took Ella with me. Shit, she would have only been a couple weeks old. We hid under one of the bunk beds until Kurr had gone. Since then? I hated him. It was the first time I ever saw him put his hands on Mom and even though I knew what he was doing was wrong, I couldn’t stop him. I turned off all feelings for him since then and it only escalated as I got older. I turned my hate for him into fuel and took every chance I had to better myself in everything. I earned his trust. Fuck, he trusts me with his life.” I pause, running my hand over my hair. “Which is what I’ve always wanted. That’s why when I say this plan has been brewing for a long time, I mean it. It’s not just my ass running on this; there’s a lot of other powerful people, too. A lot of people he has pissed off over the years. When you fuckers blew up the compound, you almost ruined our plan, and that’s when he moved everything salvageable back to our base. Of course…” I stop and smile weakly. “Losing our mother wasn’t supposed to happen, and I only just found out a few months ago that she helped you do that.” Bringing up my mom in conversation isn’t easy but it isn’t hard. We had a close bond, but she was always a little frail.