“No, you can’t.”

“Fuck, Raze, let me speak.”

I stare at him blankly, dropping my arms to the side of my body and swishing the water around in

my mouth. Raising my eyebrows, I motion for him to continue.

“What you pulled with Cassia was low.”

“Low?” I laugh, dropping the water bottle and picking up a towel before wrapping it around my

neck. Miles and Millie both have no idea. “Miles, do you not know me at all? And besides,” I say,

walking towards the weight bench, “it had to be done or she wouldn’t have left. Everything has to go

as planned, and whatever the fuck it is I feel for her…” I pause when I hear Miles chuckling behind

me. “Oh, bro, there better be a fly stuck in that fucking throat of yours or I’m going to rip it clean out.” “Calm down.” He chuckles, attempting to silence his laughs. Shaking his head, he walks behind the

bench to spot me. “You love her.”

My ass hasn’t even touched the bench when I shoot back up, landing to my feet. “The fuck you just


Miles smirks, unaffected. Cocky fucker. “I said,” he begins, leaning his elbows on the metal bar.

“That you love her. L. O. V…”

“Miles?” I say softly, my eyes narrowing. “You’re this close,” I inch my fingers apart, “to losing

all your teeth, and I’m not playing, brother.”

“Alright, sorry.” He throws his hands up in defeat and I take a seat back on the bench before lying down. Clutching the barbell in my hand, I go to push it up when he starts again. “I’m just saying,

you’ve never—”

“Miles!” I snap, looking up at him from under the bar. His face looks down at me. I continue, “I

don’t fucking love her. I’m not qualified to love.” Exhaling, I lift the bar off its brackets. “What? You think you have to earn a degree to love someone? No, Raze.”

“No,” I huff, pumping out my reps. “I got kicked the fuck out of that college. I. Cannot. Feel. Love.” “How do you know?” Miles continues.

“I just do.”

“Well, do you think I can love?” he shoots back.

“Yes.” I answer without a doubt, because he can. Miles is a stone cold killer, and not just any

killer, but he has perfected the art of killing. Miles can make killing a classy act. Strangest fucking guy

you’d ever meet, but his heart is not cold. I thought it was… until I saw him with Millie. “Okay,” Miles answers with a roll of an eye. “You’ve always said you and I were much alike in

the whole heartless department.”

“True,” I answer, placing the bar back on the stand and getting to my feet. “But that was until I saw

you with Millie.”