“Well, you can fucking have him.” I look at Raze, the knife still pressed up against Cassia’s throat. “I hate you.” The front door crashes open, but I don’t flinch. Raze gets to his feet instantly while Miles draws up his gun.

“Holy fucking shit, Millie!” was the next thing I heard, and I knew that voice.


“Holy fucking shit, Millie!”

“Melissa?” I whisper, dropping the knife to the ground and climbing off of Cassia. “How many did you kill?” Raze asks Beast and Hella.

“None, fucker. I told you I wouldn’t,” Beast replies.

“Told you! What the fuck!” I yell at Raze. “Are you fucking with me right now, you piece of fucking


I don’t look at Melissa. I’m not ready yet to see the disappointment in her face at my words. “Ohhh, so hot, Mills.” Frost grins behind Melissa.

“Fuck you, Raze.” I step around Cassia and she laughs again, clutching her broken nose. I pause,

turn on my heel and stomp the heel of my foot down onto Cassia’s face. She lets out another loud scream and Raze’s arm snakes around my waist.

“Hey! Calm the fuck down. Remember what I told you?” he whispers harshly into my ear.

“Your word means shit to me, Raze. Fuck you.”

He loosens his grip and my feet find the floor. I look up through tear-stricken eyes and it’s the first time I notice everyone who is here. All of The Devil’s Own MC are here with Melissa leading them in.

Melissa steps forward and I step back, keeping my eyes locked on the wall behind them all. “Don’t. I can’t, not yet…”

“Okay, that’s fine,” Melissa encourages me, “but you’re coming home.”

I swallow past the rock that’s formed in my throat.

“I don’t have a home.” Then I bring my cold eyes to hers finally. Everything shifts. What was once black and white in my mind begins to fill with color and soft tingles erupt in my belly. “Melissa?” I whisper, tears now pouring down my face.

“It’s me, sis.”

My legs give way and my body drops to the floor. Melissa walks towards me and kneels down, wrapping her arms around me, and I lose it. The sobs break out as my chest rips open and allows all my feelings to come rushing inside of it.

“Shhhh, I got you. I’ve always got you.” She inches back and wipes the tears off her face. “Come on.”

“I got her,” Frost says, stepping towards me. Raze halts Frost from moving any closer.

“I don’t need any of you.” I glare at Raze and then unintentionally at Frost. Cassia laughs again, getting to her feet.

“Told you, bitch,” Cassia continues, but Melissa turns on her heel, and launches her fist into Cassia’s face. Her head snaps back and her body falls to the ground again.

“Don’t you ever speak to her again or I’ll fucking kill you myself, bitch.” Melissa drops down to a now crying Cassia, more blood spurting out everywhere. She pats her chest like one would pet a cat. “And Millie’s the nice sister.” Then she smirks and gets back to her feet. Melissa exhales and looks up to catch Hella staring at her with his eyebrows quirked. She feigns innocence. “What?”

He shakes his head, a small smirk on his lips.

Melissa’s hand clutches mine and she pulls me forward. “Come on.”

I move past Raze, not giving him a second glance. My eyes find Miles and I push out of Melissa’s grip, running towards him. Launching my arms around Miles’ neck, his arms wrap around my body and he relaxes into my grip. “I love you,” I whisper into his ear and then inch back, my hands gripping his cheeks. His eyes gloss over, a blank look pulling across his face. “Do you hear me? You’re amazing and incredible and I love you.” Raze growls behind me but I pay him no attention. Running my thumb over his cheek, I continue. “You were the first person to try to help me.” His Adam’s apple bobs past his swallowing before he exhales and grips me again.

“I love you too. Maybe a little too much.” He smiles weakly before his soft lips press against mine. I take it, my hand wrapping around the back of his neck. Biting down on his bottom lip, he groans. “You might have just signed my death certificate, but that was totally worth it.”

I smile. “I’m only up the road, you know,” I nudge my head. “Wink, wink…”