Just as he says that, an idea clicks in my head. Chuckling, I put my palm out to him. “I need all your knives.”

Joker pauses along with Miles and Viking.

I snap my head up to them. “Now.”

Each of them pull out a knife and hands it to me. I kneel back down to David and smirk, though he can’t see it. Bringing the point of my blade up under his chin, I tilt his head up.

“You’re fucking lucky you’ve been breathing this long.”

“Come on, man.” Joker itches beside me. “We don’t have much time and I wanna see some blood. Stop toying with our soul food.”

I chuckle, pressing the tip of the blade into David’s chin deeper until blood slowly trickles down the shiny silver blade and onto my hand. “Get him up.”

David breathes heavily. “You won’t get away with this, Raze. You think you’re God!” He roars as Joker and Viking pull him up to his feet and walk him towards the crucifix.

I crank my neck and swing my arms around before turning around to face him. “Those your last words?”

He snaps his mouth shut as Miles walks to the side of the little platform and pulls out a ladder, pushing it against the crucifix. David’s head turns to see what Miles is doing before he looks back at me, shaking his head vigorously as realization set in.

“Ahhh,” I chuckle, walking towards him. “He gets it.”

“You can’t do this to me,” David whispers. “I bring in the pure girls. No one else has that pull!”

Throwing my head back, I chuckle. “You think you’re irreplaceable, David? You’re very fucking mistaken.” I stop an inch away from him, my eyes searching his. Grinning, I flick my finger up. “Put him up. I want his back facing me.”

“Back facing you?” Miles asks.

“Did I stutter? Yes, back to me.”

With a round of howling and dark laughter, the boys work with each other to get David up onto the crucifix and undress him.

“How much time, Miles?”

Miles looks down to his timer. “Fifteen. Can you swing it?”

I pause, looking at him. “Don’t ask me that.”

Gripping onto my shirt, I pull it over my head and drop it beside my AK. Collecting the knives, I walk towards the cross and Miles’ hand comes up to my shoulder. “I want in, Raze. I care about her too.”

Shoving two knives at him, I nudge my head at David. “Go at it.”

Miles’ face goes from eager to downright hungry in a split second and he pats my shoulder before climbing up the ladder. Both Viking and Joker are balancing on the tables beside the cross, holding up his body by his arms.

I crank my neck again and place my earbuds into my ears, pushing play on Marilyn Manson’s “The Nobodies” just as Miles launches the first knife into David’s left hand, drowning out the bloodcurdling screams. Walking back to the cross, the air prickles over my bare chest and adrenaline ripples through me in fucking tsunami-sized waves. Miles drops down to David’s feet and lodges another blade deep into the back of them, pinning them both to the wooden crucifix. David’s head tilts back, his face, from what I can see, is turning purple and the veins in his neck popping to the surface. That must have been some mighty scream.

Flicking my military knife around my fingers, I step up the ladder as Miles turns to me, tapping his timer. 12:15 minutes remaining. He walks down and I take his place, running my eyes past the bloody holes in the back of his feet, up past his boxer briefs and up past his bare back before eventually landing on the back of his head. The muscles in his outstretched arms tense and his head flies back again. I chuckle and both Joker and Viking stare at me suspiciously from the sides.

Joker watches me, and I see the exact moment he has finally figured out what I’m going to do. He pulls his mask off so I can see his face and mouths “Really?” with pure excitement shooting out of his eyes.

I nudge my head and he jumps from his spot, pulling his mask back down. Bringing my attention back to David, I bring the tip of the blade to the back of his neck and let it sink into his fatty flesh slowly, the pulling of his skin vibrating over my blade. His head tilts back again, so I push the blade in deeper until I feel the tip hit the bone I was aiming for. Running my tongue over my lips, I grin before slowly slashing the blade down his back. Each slit has more blood running out, over my mask and over my bare chest. I can see Joker bouncing beside me and Viking shaking his head. Chancing a glance to the floor under the ladder, Miles is kneeling under it, his arms stretched wide, his chest jiggling in his laughter as blood pours down over him.

Very fucking theatrical, alright.

Grinning, I come back to my task at hand and in one soft movement, I rip the blade down the rest of his back and step back slightly to watch his skin peel away from each other like white fillets before more blood seeps through. Knowing I’m strapped for time, my hands launch inside the fresh wound, blood seeping all over my skin, bone and tissue skimming over the palms of my hands. Gripping onto each side of the cut, I widen my elbows and slowly stretch the cut open, inch by inch, the ripping of his flesh being torn away from his ribs as bone reverberates over the palms of my hand. I watch as the inside of his back is unfolding, literally, in front of us.

Pressing his skin out of my way, I nudge my head at Joker and Viking. “Cut it off.” Then I look back to the inside of his back. This is my favorite part. David’s body is stock still, possibly dead, but probably not. Not yet, anyway. I grip onto the back of his spine, the heavy bone grating over my rough hands. Pulling out my knife again, I bring it to his spine and tug on the bone until every single inch of his spine and rib cage is turned inside out and hanging out of his body.

Ripping the earbuds out of my ears, I look down to Miles. “We gotta bounce, boss.”