alleyway, which is between the church and a concrete two-story house. The alley is dark with a single

car parked to the side of the gutter. I pause in my step and look up over my shoulder to one of the three

windows, which has a clear view of the alleyway, before looking back.

Images flash in my mind of what Millie would have witnessed from her standing point the night she

saw the priest take a nun’s life and what started this particular shitstorm. I point my gun up to the

middle window, looking through the scope, then do the same to the remaining two windows before

lowering it.

“You done?” Miles asks.

“Yeah, let’s go. He can’t be far. He’s probably holed up in that house and already calling backup.” “Or worse,” Miles says. “He could be calling Kurr.”

“I have a solid reason as to why we’re here, that Kurr won’t second guess, if that happens.” My heavy combat boots press on the loose gravel as we make our way down to the end of the

alleyway. Once we reach the end, I look left and then right. Right is a dead end, and the left takes you

back where we came.

A loud gunshot reverberates through the atmosphere and every hair on my skin stands to life as my

feet pick up and bolt towards it. Miles and I round the corner to find Joker holding his pistol to the

kneeling priest’s head.

Joker cocks his head at me. “The fucker bit me. Tell me I can at least put another bullet in him.” I smirk and walk towards them. Kneeling down, I drop my face to the priest’s ear. “You lose,

priest, and you put your filthy hands on my woman.”

He looks up at me under his blood-smeared forehead. “Who?”

I chuckle, bending down to his level and unclipping the switchblade that is secured around my

ankle. “Who do you think, David?”

“Oh, he’s a natural fucking idiot,” Joker laughs in a high-pitched tone.

“Pull him up. We can take him into the house.”

Joker pulls David to his feet and I shove him forward. “Move.” We continue to walk him towards

the old brick house that sits near the church. I stop and look over my shoulder, inching my head back

to the church. “Yo, how theatrical do you all feel?” All the boys stop and turn towards me before

looking over my shoulder to the church. Miles chuckles devilishly. “Because it’s Millie? Very fucking


Pushing David down onto his knees in front of the heavy large wooden cross has my skin itching and my fangs twitching. I am thirsty. I want his blood and I want it now. Seeing him manhandle Millie that day started my thirst. Fucker is lucky I let him walk free for this long.

Flicking my switchblade between my fingers, I cock my head down at the pitiful piece of shit kneeling in front of me. “Hmmmmm…” I look around the room and then look over to Joker.

“What’re you thinking, boss?”