us working together I’d be used to him, but I’m not. There are just some people you can never warm

up to and Joker is that person for me. Smart fucking mouth, but ruthless. It’s the only reason why I

haven’t killed him yet; he’s too much of an asset. Clicking the strap of the semiautomatic around my

shoulder, I twist on the scope and push a couple GLOCKs into my jeans for backup, and if I run out of

those, I have my fists, which I’ve been told are just as lethal.

We begin shuffling towards the church with the AK propped on my shoulder and my eye peering

through the scope. The sun has long since gone down and the air has a distinctive chill that whirls

with it. We call it the chill of death; it’s when the adrenaline shoots up and your blood begins pumping faster, spiking your endorphins to all new heights as you wait, fight, and bleed for the love of the kill.

I let out a growl, swinging my arms in circles to stretch them out.

Joker lets out a loud wolf howl. “The devils are home, baby!” he says before launching his foot

through the heavy wooden door with a loud crack.

A nun who’s walking past the big cross standing proudly in the center of the stage throws up her

hands and lets out a scream. I lift my gun and pull the trigger. Pop. She falls to the ground. “Dude,” Joker says to me with a chuckle. “Why’d you do that?”

“She fucking screamed. You know how much I hate screamers.”

“Oh, really?” Miles smirks from behind me. “Since when?”

“Shut up. Move.” Stepping forward, we continue to the back of the room where the door leads you

down a dark hallway, taking you to all the bedrooms which house the nuns. We walk past each room.

Every nun that sees us remains quiet, their head hanging between their shoulders.

Miles laughs sadistically as we walk down. “Ladies, keep your mouth shut and you won’t end up

with my monster dick shoved in it with a bullet lodged in your brain.”

We’re almost at the end of the long hallway when gunshots ring out in front of us. I lean back

against the wall with the boys following suit. Once the shooting stops, I put one foot in front of the

other and make my way towards the end where the office door is wide open with no one inside. I look

to the left, seeing the way down to the basement and out to the fire exit. I know this because we

studied the layout of the church before coming. I nudge my head and aim my gun. Pulling open the

door, I step down the steep stairwell, the musky smell of old books and dust floating through the air. A

flapping sound comes from the door where the fire exit is and I pick up my pace, taking two steps at a


I point back up the stairs. “Joker and King, take the front.”

They quickly shoot back up the stairs as Miles and I run towards the fire exit and out the back