
Miles wraps his long fingers behind my neck and pulls my face towards his, pressing a soft kiss on

my forehead. “Won’t be long.” He begins walking out of the kitchen when he stops. “Oh and



“Raze will need special attention tonight. Begin preparing yourself now.” Then he leaves me there with my empty thoughts.


Pushing the mask over my face, Joker drives the van up the curb. The cold stone concrete arches line the outside of the ancient building and the giant clock which sits in the front was only counting down the hours.

“Remind me again why we’re doing this?” Joker asks, looking up at the church.

“Because I said, that’s why.”

“Well, I guess that’s always a valid point,” Joker replies sarcastically.

My hand squeezes on the handle of the van door. “You wanna say that again, Joke?” He mutters something, pulling his mask down. “Fuck man. Kurr is going to lose his shit when he

finds out.”

“He won’t know that it’s us.” I look at Miles who’s working on his laptop, his shoulders square

and his glasses on. “Done?”

He continues tapping on the keyboard and then closes his laptop, his eyes beaming with excitement.

“Fucking done. Let’s do this shit.”

Joker and Viking begin climbing out of the front seat of the van and I pause, my hand going to

Miles’ chest. “Yeah, you’re gonna need to put this on.” I hand him a ski mask.

“What?” He scoffs. “No, man. That’ll fuck up my outfit.”


He takes off his glasses and pulls his hair out of the bun before pulling on the ski mask. “Fucking,

fuck, man.”

“What? You can still wear your glasses.”

“No, no. I fucking can’t because it’ll look fucking stupid.”



“Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of this van before you have no eyes to need those glasses for.” We both climb out of the van and walk towards Viking and Joker who wait for us. “The fuck took

you two so long?”

I ignore Joker. If he gets in my way too much he’ll be added to the body count. You’d think years of