“I trust you. I trust Miles. I trust—” I pause, thinking over my next words. “I don’t need you. I’m only asking because I’m thinking it’s been a little dry around here lately, you might need some blood on your hands.”

He nods, pulling on his blue mask. “Yeah, I’ll come.”

“Come where?” Joker steps inside Viking’s cabin.

“Shut the door.” I point to it and he kicks the door closed with his foot.


I’m pulling out deli meat from the fridge when Cassia walks in, her head held high and her face blank. She walks past me, her shoulder knocking into mine.

“What’s your problem?” I ask, closing the fridge and laying everything out on the counter. “Me?” she bursts. I could tell right away that she was just waiting for me to say something. All the

built-up tension and hate that was brewing towards me, from her end, was evident. Anyone could see


“Yeah,” I state, placing a piece of meat on my bread. “You.”

She steps forward just as I’m spreading the mayonnaise on. Her hand slams down on the pieces of

bread, the mustard and mayo splattering everywhere. “You, bitch. You’re my problem. This? What me

and Raze have? This is real.”

I raise my finger to my mouth, my eyes coming up to meet hers as I suck the mayonnaise off with a

popping sound. I raise my eyebrows. “And?”

“And?” she bursts. “And he’s fucking mine, so from now on, stay away from him.” “Mmmm,” I raise my finger just as she’s walking away. “There’s one problem.” I take a massive

bite of my sandwich and walk towards her. “He just can’t seem to stay away from me,” I say smugly,

muffled by my mouthful.


“Cassia!” Miles snaps, walking into the kitchen.

I smirk around my next bite. She snarls at me, walking back towards the stairs. I knew this wasn’t

over. In fact, I’ve probably opened up a whole new can of crazy when it comes to her. I turn towards Miles. “You going somewhere?”

He looks at me over his shoulder, straightening his tie. “Yeah, but can I trust that you won’t get into

a fight with Mrs. Claws up there?” He nudges his head towards stairs.

“Probably not. Me breathing is a problem for her. Where are you going anyway?” “I’m meeting Raze.” I pause my chewing briefly. “Oh, where is he?”

Miles smiles, pulling his hair into a man bun at the back of his head. It’s not that long, hanging

around his collar, but it looks perfect in a man-bun. “I can’t tell you that, puddin’.” “Why not?”

“Because it’s business, and until you’re wearing a rock on that pretty little finger, you can’t know


“A rock? Marriage? Not likely,” I scoff, taking another bite into my deliciously crisp and juicy