“No, I’m talking. Why? Why is she still here?”

He exhales. “It’s a little more complex than that. Do you know who Cassia’s father is?” he asks me.

I mull over it. “Well, no. What can I say? I’ve been locked in a castle with an angry dragon guarding it with his steed.” Rolling my eyes, I dip into the sweet and sour sauce. I’m still wondering why he lets me eat in his car.

“Cassia’s last name is Jacobs on paper, but her actual last name, by blood, is La’ Mont.”

I pause, chicken nugget stuck in midair. “La’ Mont… as in Peter La’ Mont… as in fucking President La’ Mont of the United States of America…?”

“Yes…” Raze hisses.

“I didn’t know they had a daughter! I thought they only had a son, that hot playboy who’s always in the media.”

His grip tightens around the wheel. “Cassia was a love child. Her father, Peter, only just found out about her a couple years ago.”

I clear my throat. “Um, how long has she been with you?”

“She’s not with me, Millie. No chick is ever with me. She’s a mere dot on a very messy business deal.” Business deal? “But it’s been almost three years.” He cracks his neck and my eyes dance over how the veins on his neck contract with the movement.

“Okay, three years. I fail to see your reason for keeping her, though.”

He scoffs, pulling into his long private road. “Consider yourself lucky for not knowing.”

We both get out of the car and start walking towards the house.

“Raze, wait.” My hand reaches out to his. He stops, his head turning over his shoulder. I’ve tried really hard to ignore the question that’s constantly swimming in my head, but this dead heart still sits in a woman. “Us,” I say, and he turns to face me, shoving his hands into his pockets.

“What about us?” He cocks his head, his tongue running over his bottom lip.

“What are we? What is this? Am I just a plaything until I leave, or… something else?”

He steps forward and takes my hand in his.

“You’re mine.”


“That’s the best I can give you until this shit blows over. I don’t make promises, pet, and I take my word seriously. So when I say it’s on, it’s on forever. For now, I have too much hanging around to give you anything.”

I smile. “Thanks for being honest.” Then I follow him up the stone steps and through the massive heavy double wooden doors.

I still want to know what else is going on, and my patience is running thin.


The piano plays through the speakers and I shuffle in my seat, adjusting my jeans. I’m waiting inside the room at the base where Millie was after she was sold. Last night was a bust. I thought that if Millie saw the clubhouse again that it would line her thoughts back together. No such luck. I’m beginning to think that this is just her now, which works fucking perfect for me.

“Yo, apparently she’s the daughter of who didn’t pay his debt.”

“What? Who?” I answer, looking to Joker.

“Yup. Daddy didn’t pay his debt to Kurr so off goes daddy’s little princess.” Joker laughs and

picks up his glass of whiskey, swirling it around a few times until the ice clinks in his cup, and then shoots it back. Even though he ignored my question, I take it he’s talking about the latest lost cause that’s shackled up in the dungeon.

“What kind of debt? And how old is she?” I take a cigar out of the humidor sitting in the middle of the table and place it into my mouth.

“Drugs. And she’s barely legal. Eighteen, I think.”