“I don’t think so,” I answer, relaxing into my seat.

“Has that got something to do with why I’m supposed to help you, Raze?” She turns towards me. “Because I won’t turn on my sister. I may have a few screws missing right now, but I’ll never snitch on anyone I care about, and as much as Hella drives me nuts, she’s in love with him and so that means he’s family in a sense. I won’t do it. You can kill me now if that’s what you’re hoping for.”

Aside from being shocked, her loyalty fills me with something else. Pride, maybe?

“That’s not what this is about. If I wanted that club dead in the ground, I have the power to do it, Millie.”

She pauses. “Who are you?”

Shuffling, I take the exit I need. “I’m someone you don’t want as an enemy, but someone who keeps the war path clean.” I look over to see her face blank, so I elaborate. “I’m the kingpin of the underground, Millie. I make sure the peace is kept within each and every underground operation. Every gang, family, and club all answer to me.”

“Wait,” she stops, turning her body to face me. “So there’s more of The Army sort of organizations?”

“Don’t ask me too many questions. I can only give you a certain amount of answers, Millie. Unless…” I smirk and look towards her.

“Unless what?”

“Unless you were my wife, then I’d tell you everything.” I pause, taking my eyes back to the road. “And the answer is yes. Nothing quite to the extent of The Army, but similar. Mafia families, motorcycle clubs, underground fighting rings, human trafficking, everything you can possibly think of, comes through me. Hell, even the illegal drag races have to go through me in this state.”

“Right, so it’s just this state?” she asks, eyes not showing any sign of fear.

“No, Millie, that’s just the drag races. I’m the National kingpin of the underground. In the United States, I own the underworld.”

Her mouth drops open before snapping shut. “You and what army?”

I grin, pulling into McDonald’s. “That’s something I can’t share with you, pet.”

Pulling into the drive-thru, I order her fifty fucking nuggets with sweet and sour sauce before pulling back onto the strip. We make our way down the gravel road I know so well. Millie ruffles around in the bag, popping a nugget into her mouth.

“I’m eating chicken nuggets in a… what? Hundred-thousand-dollar car?”

“Ahhh,” I scratch the back of my head. “Yeah, might want to quadruple that. It’s fine. This car was for appearances only, same with everything I own.” I pull down the gravel road. This was the spot I used to park at when I was getting groomed for the position. The dirty gravel leads to a dead end which overlooks the entire bright lights of Las Vegas. Not many people know about it, or at least every time I’ve been here no one else has been here.

“Whoa, what? Like four hundred large?”

I pull up to the end of the strip. “Yeah, it’s nothing.” Pushing open the door, I nudge my head. “Come on, nugget.”

She turns to the front and smiles. “Wow, it’s incredible here.” Leaving the door open and the radio on, I come around the car. She follows, leaving her door open and standing beside me. Handing me the bag, she walks toward the edge and looks out. “It’s really, really beautiful here.”

I take out a nugget and throw it into my mouth. “Millie,” I begin. “Now’s the time to ask those questions. I’ll tell you what I can and be completely honest with you, but it’s going to go question-forquestion, and if you lie to me, that’s going in the literal spank bank.”

She spins around, her tight yellow sundress hugging her petite curves, her blonde hair washing over her shoulders. She’s by far the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on. Her almond blue eyes and swollen lips that sit on a perfect face, the girl is fucking stunning. Her innocence used to be her weapon against me, bringing my darkness to its knees, but now? Now everything about her disarms me in such a way it makes me want to bleed all over her just to say she’s mine. The feral side of me—which if I’m being honest, is all of me when it comes to her—wants to drive her fucking crazy. I want to possess her in a way that others would think is sick.

“Spank bank?” Her eyes light up. “Okay, Mr. Mysterious.” She steps towards me, snatching the bag of nuggets back.

I chuckle, dropping one in my mouth. “Shoot.”

The sun is setting, the natural light of the city about to be overrun by the shimmering hue of the sunset. I turn towards her and smile.

“Okay,” she begins as “Down in Flames” by Daughter Jack starts playing from the radio inside the car. “First question.” She bites into a nugget. “Why do you have Ella and Cassia? Aside from obvious reasons, of course.”

I laugh. I can’t help it. Out of all the possible questions, she decides to ask me about the girls? That confirms one theory: she was, indeed, a little jealous.

“Why are you laughing at me?”

I shrug. “No reason. I can’t really answer about Ella. It’s complicated, to say the least. But she has multiple purposes.” I pause and watch her reaction. Nothing, nada. The girl is switched off and blank. Oh, to be a thought dancing around in that brain right now. “She’s basically someone to keep Cassia off me as much as possible. Don’t get me wrong,” I add. “Cassia is ruthless in bed, but she’s not here to keep my dick wet. Just know that that’s all I can give you right now.”

She ponders on my answer. I can see the wheels in her brain spinning. Then she smiles and shrugs. “I can deal with that.”