am, I peek through. Really, Millie? Not your finest moment. Raze is on his back with Cassia

straddling him. His arms are stretched out wide, not touching her, but his lips are on hers, owning her

the way he had done with me so many times. She grinds over his dick and moans, wrapping her arms

around his neck as he starts to pull her shirt off.

I watch, my eyes dead and my mind blank, but my skin crawling with jealousy. Is it because I want

to be the one on top of him? Not because I actually feel something for him? Probably. Stepping backwards, I crash into a wall of muscle. Squealing out in surprise, a hand wraps around

my mouth, silencing my almost outburst. Twisting me around to face him, Miles silently slams me up

against the wall opposite Cassia’s door, meaning that I still have a clear view of what is going on

over Miles’ shoulder.

My pounding heart simmers down as I whack him on the arm and attempt to pull his hand off my

mouth, but his eyes narrow on me.

“See that?” he whispers into my ear, running the tip of his nose over my earlobe. That feels good.

Crap. “That will happen for as long as you know Raze. It’s why he and you will never work, despite

the fact that the way I’ve seen him with you, I’ve never seen him like that with anyone else.” I turn my head towards Miles. His hand unlatches from my mouth as both of them come down to the

back of my thighs and he lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around the back of

his neck. I peek over Miles’ shoulder. Raze is running his tongue down Cassia’s body, his muscles

flexing with each movement as he sucks one of her nipples into his mouth and she groans, tipping her

head back. His shirt is gone now, his glorious body on full display. I feel heat spike through me, my

thighs clenching together to stop the feeling that slowly begins to seep into me. Oh, this is next level

fucked-up, miss Millie.

Miles buries his head deep into the crook of my neck. “Fuck, Millie, this is turning you on, isn’t


I swallow, my eyes closing briefly before snapping open, fire burning through me then shooting out

of my fingertips.

“Yes.” Miles pauses and leans back, looking between my eyes and then dropping them down to my


“Kiss me,” I whisper. His Adam’s apple bobs from his swallowing. “Fucking kiss me, Miles.” Miles sucks in a breath and then slowly brings his face to mine.

“You so much as plant your lips on her, Miles, I’ll gut you right here and right now.” My eyes snap over Miles’ shoulder to see Raze still on the bed with Cassia on top of him as she

slowly slides down his body and disappears under the covers. Raze’s eyes remain unaffected, fixed

on me.