“What about her?”

“Yeah, she’s having an… episode.”

“Fuck,” Raze grunts, dropping me back to the ground. He pulls me into him, but it’s too late; my

body is stiff again. Wrapping my hair around his wrist, he tugs on it until my head has snapped back.

He searches my eyes. “This isn’t over.”

I smile sweetly. “Yeah, sure thing.” When he lets go, my fake smile instantly turns to a frown. I

shouldn’t care, but a small part of me cares. I’m jealous, jealous that they have his attention too,

maybe even more so. Feeling sorry for myself, I walk back into the kitchen to find Miles leaning

against the kitchen sink, staring out to the backyard.

“Hey, creeper. Whatcha looking at?”

His face drops a little as he turns over his shoulder to look at me. “Are you okay, puddin’?” he

asks with a small smile.

“Me? Always. Why?”

He pauses and turns around to face me. “You’ve been through a fucking lot, that’s why. I know your

humanity is switched off right now so a lot of things that would usually irk you aren’t, but…” He pushes off the counter and walks towards me. His finger snakes around the loose strand of hair

that has fallen around my face before tucking it behind my ear. It was a sweet gesture, sweet for


“But?” I whisper.

“But I’ve been there. To hell, I mean. I’m sort of still there. Eventually, it’s going to catch up with

you. All those suppressed feelings that you’re keeping bottled? They’re going to come out and you’re

going to burst. The longer you keep them down, the worse it’s going to be.”

I raise my hand to his cheek. “Miles?” I say softly, my thumb circling his smooth olive skin.

“Please don’t, okay? Stop trying to get me to feel, because if I do, it’ll hurt too much.” I swallow down roughly, wiping any emotion I let slip off my face. His eyebrows knit together, and his eyes flash with worry. “So anyway, Raze has something with Cassia. Must be her turn,” I mutter under my

breath. “Can we do something? I need to get out of the house.”

Miles smiles, his chocolate eyes softening. “Yeah, why the fuck not. Bossman won’t kill me. He

needs me too much.” He takes my hand. “Get changed and meet me out front.”

I squeal in excitement and bolt up the stairs to my room, quickly throwing on a tight summer

strappy dress and ballet slippers. I quickly run a brush through my hair and apply a light amount of

makeup before walking out my door and back towards the stairs.

Just as I’m approaching Cassia’s room, I see the door cracked open, and being the nosy person I