His arms drop to either side of him and his stance changes. “I’ll tell you when I fucking want to tell

you, Millie.”

I let out a frustrated scream. “For the love of all things, Raze! You need to give me something here.

I’m sitting in this damn house, wondering what’s going on!”

His eyes search mine. “I can’t tell you yet, pet. The situation is fucking complex.” He turns to walk

back inside.

“Um, is that all you’re giving me? How long, Raze? How long do I have to be here with you and

your sick twisted wives? I’m not counting Miles,” I add softly. “He’s probably the only thing I don’t

mind in this house.”

Raze stops and walks back towards me. “You want the girls gone? Is that it?” he asks, his eyes


“You’re so annoying,” I whisper, shaking my head. “Seriously! You always think this has to do with

some sick jealous thing, but that’s not it!” I step up towards him with my index finger poked into his

chest. “You think that I’m jealous because you sleep with them too?” I search his eyes. “That you run

those same hands that explored my innocence all over their dirty bodies? No, because…” I wrap my

fingers around his collar. “I. Don’t. Feel. Anything,” I whisper harshly, his lips hovering above mine,

a mere whisper between us.

I drop my eyes down to his lips. Snaking his arm around my waist smoothly, he pulls my body into his. I’m about to protest when his lips come crashing down to mine. I open for him anyway, giving his tongue access. Raze is probably the biggest man I have ever seen, aside from Beast, but they’re brothers so I’m not surprised. I’m guessing Raze is the younger brother but he could still match Beast’s size. His kisses are demanding, domineering, yet soft, slow, and sensual. It flips my stomach inside-out as his hand glides down my back and grips onto my ass, lifting me up. I wrap my legs around his waist, twisting my fingers into his hair and pulling him closer, wanting more, needing more

of him.

I moan into his mouth and pull back slightly. “Now I feel something.” I smile, leaning back. The grip he has around my ass tightens. “You’re about to feel something more fulfilling too.” He

smiles and damn it all if everything stops.

“Did you just smile? A genuine, non-evil, non-calculating smile? Sir, I’m shocked!” I gape at him

in mock shock.

He throws his head back in laughter.

“Boss?” A suited man comes around the corner. “Yeah, we have a problem.”

“What is it?” Raze asks, his eyes remaining on me. I bend my face down and lick the rim of his

bottom lip. He groans. “Fuck.”

“Ah, it’s Cassia.”

I snap my mouth shut and stiffen. Raze notices, his eyes narrow on me briefly before looking

towards the suited man.