“So I’m not to see anyone else, but you have two other girlfriends that live in the house?” I question him, gripping the sheet around my chest.

He chuckles, his index finger running over his upper lip. “Why are you all the way over there?”

He changes the subject, but I’m a giver, so I give him more lip. “You didn’t answer my question, Raze.”

“I don’t answer questions, Millie. I’m the one who gives them.” I slam my mouth shut and stand to my feet. His dark hungry eyes follow me. “Where are you going?”

“To my room,” I answer deadpan.

“Pet,” he exhales. “Come here.”

I whip my head to him. “Why the hell do you call me that? It isn’t cute, it’s degrading.”

“Good,” he confirms. “It’s not supposed to be cute, it’s supposed to be exactly how you want it to be. And because that’s what you are.”

He stands and stalks towards me. I step backward, suddenly aware that I’m in the dragon’s lair. Not only that, but I’ve just slept with the damn dragon too. I let it tie me up, blindfold me, and spank me until I was begging for his dick to be lodged inside of me. I feel nothing again. All the good that I just felt from us having sex, all the pleasure, everything has disappeared again. There’s no way to know how long I will be able to have my feelings back before they’re being snatched away from me again.

“What am I?” I bait him, and I shouldn’t. I should bolt down those stairs and not look back.

“You’re my pet. My toy, something I can play with when and how I want.”

“Do you call Ella and Cassia ‘pet’ too?” I ask flatly.

His eyes narrow. “Jealous?”

I scoff, turning on my heel. His hand catches mine just as I’m about to make the first step towards my freedom. At least, my freedom away from his room. “Where’re you going?”

“Out,” I answer matter-of-factly with a smirk.


The next day, I flop into my bed after having the longest shower ever known to man. I need to get out of this place even if I have nowhere to go. Standing up, I walk into my closet and pull out some thigh high socks and a sweater which hangs comfortably down to my upper thighs, just covering my butt. Leaving my hair in a wavy mess, I walk out of my room and make my way to find Raze.

When I walk into the kitchen, Miles is in there talking with a freshly showered Raze. “Can we talk?” I say to Raze.

“About what?” he bites back. Mmm, charming.

“About how we need to hurry your plan along or I’m going to bolt. And don’t try to threaten me

with your dogs. They love me too much to eat me.”

He pauses, his head tilting before he walks towards me. “My dogs? I don’t need to use my dogs,

Millie. I’d kill you myself if you tried to leave.”

“Well… even more reason for me to leave then.”

I knew that what we had done the other night was a one-time thing, and I’m okay with it. There’s a

fire that burns in my belly that’s being fueled by an unhealthy amount of hate. Hate for Raze for how

he took so much away from me. But then I hate how much he made me like it. All in all, he needs to

pay, and he will pay. It may not come now, or tomorrow, or while I’m in this stupid house, but it will

come. Was sleeping with him a mistake? No. Did I enjoy it? Immensely.

Will I use it as a tool when needed? Abso-freaking-lutely.