Ella stands from her seat. “I, um…” She looks towards Raze. “Yeah,” she finally answers.

I pull my bottom lip into my mouth, knowing full well what I will need to do if I want Cassia to leave me alone. I can’t cower; girls like her relish on that. They eat girls up, girls like the old me, or Ella. But I’m not the old me anymore. Pain and suffering changes people. It toughens their exterior. People like me are dangerous people to have as enemies because we’ve been through hell. We’ve been through what would kill most people, and have survived.

I turn around to face Cassia again, feeling Raze’s presence behind me. “I won’t do what you want, Cassia. I don’t know you, you don’t know me, and quite frankly…” I laugh as I see Miles step into the kitchen. Oh, the gang’s all here. “I couldn’t give a flying horse’s dick who you think you are around here.” I step towards her, her eyes flashing with pure hatred and her cheeks flaming bright red. I scan her silently before I giggle. “You think I’m scared of some little girl who thinks being the best lay is the greatest weapon to have? No. You don’t scare me, Cassia. You scare me about as much as a Chihuahua yapping at my feet.” I pause, a smirk spreading across my face. “All bark, no bite.” I rest my shoulders and shrug. “Don’t cross me, don’t talk to me, and stay out of my way, and then we won’t have a problem. Capiche?” The sound of someone holding in their laugh comes from Miles’ direction and I raise my eyebrows. “Are we clear?” I repeat, waiting on her response.

She looks at me before glancing over my shoulder. “Whatever.” Then she storms out and heads up the stairs in a huff.

“Holy shit.” Ella drops to her chair, her hands covering her face.

“Are we going to have an issue too?” I ask Ella and she stills.

“What? Me? No. I’m not—” She pauses, looking at Raze.

“Good.” I look at Raze myself and see his eyes shining with something. Anger? Confusion? Pride? I don’t know. And I couldn’t care enough to examine it closer. “What?” I snap at him, suddenly angry that he has someone like Cassia here. Anger, that’s a feeling. Progress, maybe? Probably not the best emotion to feel first. But as quickly as it came, it goes away and calm white noise once again holds my mind, body, and soul hostage. The euphoric stillness that washes over me has my head tilt back and a light moan slips from my lips. With my eyes shut, I whisper, “Raze?”

“Mmm?” His low, sensual voice grumbles from in front of me, summoning my freshly sick and twisted body with a simple growl.

“Jesus,” Miles whispers out through a tight moan from somewhere in the room.

I bring my face back down, locking my eyes onto Raze.

Hooded, needy, hot and heavy. “I want—” I pause as words spin in my head.

“Huh? And what is it you want, pet?”

He steps up toward me, his hands finding mine instantly. Tilting his head, I watch as his eyes run freely over my body. Dropping his mouth down to my ear, he skims his lips over the rim of my lobe.

“You want me to slam you over this table and fuck you until you scream? Hmm? Until you can’t feel the fucking legs you walk on, or until you don’t even know your own fucking name?”

I swallow, my skin prickling to dangerous levels and a throbbing setting off between my thighs. He steps into me again. I step backward, my butt hitting the kitchen island. His hands grip onto my hip bones as he pulls my pelvis into his and my stomach is flush up against his hard bulge. My breathing turns shallow, my chest heaving heavily. He keeps his eyes on mine and I watch him, studying every fleck of color that is woven into his deep, deathly grey eyes.

“Is that what you want? And choose your answer wisely because if a yes comes out of those sexy fucking lips, I’ll bury my dick so deep inside you, anyone who touches you after will still feel the imprint of my cock.”

A smirk slithers over my face. I lean on my tippy-toes, knowing full well what my answer is. I want the last part of anything that reminds me of my old me gone. Running the tip of my nose over his ear, inhaling his scent of musky cologne and sweat mixed with pure male, I whisper, “Yes.” Then I bite down on his earlobe.

A squeal comes out of me as he throws me over his shoulder and his hand lands on my ass with a loud slap sounding out. I laugh, bringing my head up to see Miles adjusting himself with his lip pulled into his mouth. I smile at him, wiggling my eyebrows. He shakes his head, laughing at my obvious excitement.

“I wouldn’t get too excited, puddin’!” Miles shouts out as Raze walks me up the stairs. “He’s going to eat her alive,” I hear Ella say.

Miles’ laughter sounds out in the coming distance. “Hundred on Millie.”


I scoff as Raze continues to take me to his bedroom. He pushes open his door and puts me back down to my feet. Kicking the door closed behind himself, his body pushes mine until my back collides with the wall.

“You don’t scare me, executioner.” My eye twitches, my palm tingles and my brain is swimming with adrenaline.

“Yeah?” he says, wrapping his hands around my upper thighs, and lifting me off the ground. I wrap my legs around his waist, pressing my groin down to what I want most and tilt my head back. “You should be.”

A dark giggle leaves me as I bring my face back down to his. “What’s the worst that could happen?” I ask him, slowly grinding down over his bulge. “What? That I like it?” I add, my fingers wrapping around the back of his thick neck. “Newsflash, baby,” I smirk, dropping my lips down to his and running my slick tongue across the rim of his bottom lip. “You taught me how to love it.” Then I pull his bottom lip into my mouth and bite down on it roughly. He groans, gripping onto my wrist and slamming me up against the wall harder, the back of my head smashing against the wall.

His legs part as his nose runs down my temple and onto my jaw. “Mmm, what happened in the dungeon, that’s child’s play compared to what I can make you feel, pet.” His soft lips skim over my sensitive neck as he sucks on it roughly, pulling out with a pop. His arm snakes around my waist, lifting me effortlessly up and carrying me up the stairs that lead to his bedroom.

Throwing me onto the bed with one arm, he steps back. The sweat which was once glistening off his massive body has long since dried. He grips his hat and slips it on backwards, then crawls up the bed. I lay down on my back, tilting my head to study his face as his body hovers over me.

Dropping his lips down to mine, and for the first time ever, he kisses me. My mouth opens, allowing his tongue to slither into my mouth and own it. His tongue explores me, possessing every inch before he pulls back and slides down my body, landing to his feet on the floor. Standing by the bed, he grips around the bottom of my shirt and lifts it over my head. I let it happen, slipping my shorts off before he can. Eager, much?

“You ruined me,” I say to him, my eyes searching his desperately. I smile, running my finger down his taut chest.