His eyes shoot up to me. Slanting, a tight smile comes on his mouth. Reaching behind my back, I unclip my bra and drop it to the floor before pulling my shorts down until they’re sitting in a pool at my feet.

I step towards him, my lace covered nipples brushing over his hard chest. “Let me be the one to choose who takes my virginity, Miles. The thing about dragging someone through hell? Is they pick up a few tricks along the way.” I run my hands up his chest.

His fingers fly up and grip around my wrist as he pushes me back slightly. “You’re fucking crazy if you think I’m hitting that, puddin’.”

“Oh, come on. Miles and Millie, has a ring to it, doesn’t it? Do you have a boyfriend? Maybe you could share me? I cook.”

My eyes zone into his chest. He wraps his hand around my chin and tilts my face up to his. I thought he would be angry by that comment, but he’s smiling on the edge of bursting into a fit of laughter.


“Hmmm?” I answer, my eyes glued on his mouth. It’s a hot mouth.

“How’d you know I was bisexual?”

I roll my eyes. “That’s what you wanted to ask me? Um, because I’m a woman, Miles. We’re born with the radar inbuilt. I don’t mind though; I think seeing you with a man would be… hot.” I lick my lips, running my eyes over him.

“Jesus fucking Christ, you’re killing me, woman. Get in the shower. I’ll meet you downstairs.” I turn on my heel and walk towards the bathroom, following his orders. “Oh, and Millie?” He smirks just as his hand reaches for the door handle. “You and I both know who you really want hitting it for the first time.” Then he walks out with a thud of the door closing behind him. I stand there for an extra few seconds, my eyes closing as I picture what sex with Raze would be like. My skin prickles, my nipples hardening against my bra, and something throbs between my legs.

I feel something now; I feel horny.


After my shower, I throw on a pair of tight little red short shorts I found in the closet, matching it with a tight nude tank, then slip on some ballet slippers. I wear my hair in loose waves flowing down to my tailbone and apply some light makeup. I feel much better after my shower, probably better than I deserve after how much alcohol I consumed last night. I won’t be doing that again for a long time.

Stepping down the stairs, I land on the bottom and walk towards the kitchen to find Ella and Cassia already there drinking coffee at the table. They’re both talking under hushed tones until I walk in, and then it stops abruptly. Figures.

“Morning!” I smile at both of them, brushing off their hostile glares. Please. I was held captive in a damn cell with massive masked men who wanted to eat me alive for seven days and then sell me to the highest bidder. A girl with no emotion and nothing to lose can be a very dangerous weapon up against girls who care entirely too much about what shoes match what outfit.

A chair scrapes against the floor and I smile while I’m pouring. Spinning around with my coffee mug to my lips, Cassia steps up to me, her silk robe hanging down her lean body and her dark hair pulled into a tidy bun on the top of her head. “Listen, bitch. I don’t know who you are or why Raze has a fascination with you, but let me clue you in on who calls the shots around here,” she says, stepping closer to me until I can feel her breath simmer over my cheek.

I raise my eyebrows, blow on my coffee until the steams hits the tip of my nose, and tilt my head. “And who’s that?” I ask, unaffected, borderline bored.

“I’m the boss bitch around here. What I say goes. I’m the one Raze comes to every night and I’m his favorite and always will be his favorite lay. This is my house, so you will abide by my rules.”

I exhale and set the mug down onto the kitchen counter. Raising my head up to her, I notice a little flashing light in the corner of the room, recognizing the camera. I smirk devilishly into the lens before bringing my eyes back to Cassia. “Listen, I couldn’t really give a crap about who you are or how you keep Raze comfortable at night. I’m not here by choice,” I tilt my head slightly, my grin deepening. “He wants me here.”

She steps up to me, her chest pushing me back until my butt hits the kitchen island. “You—”

“Cassia!” Raze snaps from the entryway to the kitchen.

I smile up at her, my gaze shifting between each of her eyes. I couldn’t stop the smugness that displayed over my face. I didn’t care. She was like those girls in prison who usually always needed to get smacked down a few notches.

Cassia pulls herself away from me and turns to face Raze. “Hey, baby, you finished working out?”

I roll my eyes and look towards him. Crap. He’s wearing loose grey sweat pant shorts and only loose grey sweat pant shorts. His tight, defined, tattoo-covered masterpiece of a body glistens with sweat and his hair ruffles out from the sides of his flat baseball cap that has NY imprinted on the front. His eyes watch mine carefully as I greedily run my eyes over his body, breathing in every single muscle that twitches as I look over it. When I reach the obvious bulge that presses against the material of his shorts, I smile and lick my lips.

“You done assaulting me with your eyes, pet?”

I chuckle, looking back into his eyes which are now hardened with lust. Not hooded, not lazy— hardened. That would scare any other girl, any smart girl, but right now, lately, I’m not very smart because those eyes of his eat up my entire existence and make me want to let him do very bad things to me.

Cassia whips her head around to face me. I shrug, emptying the rest of my coffee down the sink before stepping around the angry black widow. “Maybe. I’ll let you figure that out.” I begin to walk toward Raze when my eyes fall on Ella. We haven’t spoken the whole time I’ve been here, but I kinda get the hint that she’s not quite like Cassia. Her head hangs between her shoulders and her eyes stay glued to the floor. “Ella, right?” I ask her.

Her head snaps up at my question. “Yeah?”

“Do you do everything ‘boss bitch’ says?” I ask with a smile.

I see Raze tense at the entryway, stepping toward me. I don’t know why he does it, maybe because black widow behind me was obviously pissed off that I was ruffling her feathers.