“Would it bother you if you had to put a bullet in her, Raze?”

I hear the accusation in his question. Standing up, I square my shoulders and stare down at him.

“No. It won’t. I’ll do what I have to do to protect what I need to protect.”

“Well, there’s a reason you’re the boss, boss.” Miles chuckles while walking away. “You didn’t

get kingpin for nothing,” he adds before walking up the stairs.

I clutch onto my tie and pull it off, throwing it across to the recliner. Running my hands over my

hair, I take another pull of the alcohol. Miles is right. There’s a reason why I got my title, how I got to

where I am. I’m Switzerland in the drug, sex trafficking, and weapons trade between all the major

mobs. The Yakuza, The Italian Mafia, Russians, Skinheads, blacks, hell, even some bikers. Not the

bikers that run Vegas; those are the bikers I need control over in order to get one hundred percent

control over this pipeline, but everywhere else, I do. Hell, I even have the IRA eating out of the palms

of my hands. I have too much at stake to risk having a now mind-fucked nun to suddenly wake up one

day and remember her Hail Marys before blowing up our entire operation. “Would it bother you to

put a bullet in her, Raze?” I play back Miles’ question. My eyes glaze over as my Adam’s apple jumps

at the next gulp of alcohol I swallow. Fucking would it? It shouldn’t.

A figure catches the corner of my eye and my head slowly drifts to it. “Hey, you wanna play?”

Cassia walks towards me in her all white lace bra and panties. I stretch my arms wide, my legs

following suit as Cassia lowers her body onto mine. Her legs straddle my waist and her fingers come

up to my hair. I reach for her hands quickly, shoving them away. “Sorry,” she whispers, her cheeks

turning pink with embarrassment.

“Get off.” Her fingers pause at the button of my shirt. I study her closely. “Now.” Quickly swinging her leg off my lap, she stands to her feet. “Sorry, I thought you might be a little

tense. Did you have a good day?”

Pushing up off the sofa, I walk towards her and shove the bottle into her hands. “Bed.” Cassia nods

her head, taking the bottle in her hands and making her way quickly up the stairs. Walking towards the

stairs, I kill the lights and make my way up. Once I hit the top of the stairwell, I walk down towards

the door which leads to my bedroom. Stopping at the last door to the left, I can hear music coming out

of Millie’s room. “Crazy fucking bitch.” Gripping the door, I push it open.


The sound of 50 cent and Chris Brown rapping about “No Romeo, No Juliet” is pounding through the speakers on the TV as I swing around on the post of the bed. I decided to experiment with the makeup which was in the bathroom too. I was aiming for the smoky look my sister pulls off so well, but then thought I looked more like a washed-up raccoon who has smoked too much crack. I’m drunk, so I’m not caring too much about appearances anyway.

My door opens just as my body swings around the metal panel with a bottle of Jack Daniels in one hand and the other gripped tightly on what is quite possibly my future career as a stripper. My eyes collide straight into Raze’s, and with a small chuckle, I place the bottle onto the nightstand and let my body drop back onto the mattress. He walks towards the bed, the energy shifting to new levels, the only levels they shift to when Raze is near me, and the bed sinks under his weight. We remain silent for a few beats until I roll onto my side, placing my hand under my face.