I lean back in my chair and run my fingers through my hair to push it out of my face, all while keeping my eyes locked on his. “Same here, didn’t get much sleep, either.” I smirk, my tongue running over my bottom lip. Miles places his foot over mine under the table and presses down on it slowly but painfully, which only makes my smiling intensify.

My eyes scan down Raze’s massive chest and I point to the numbers which are tattooed over his pelvic bone. “Interesting place to put them. I wonder if Beast and Hella had theirs tattooed there too.” Raze leaves the dining room and I look to Miles who’s glaring at me. I mouth “What?” to him and he shakes his head, picking up his coffee again and going back to reading his paper.

“Millie, in here, now.”

I stand from the dining table, widening my eyes at Miles before giving him a wink. He shakes his head with a smile, and just as I walk past him, he leans back on his chair and swats my ass with a loud slap. I pounce forward. “Ouch!” I yelp between my laughing. Walking into the kitchen, Raze nudges his head toward the stairs with his hand outstretched, and though I follow, I whack his hand out of the way as I pass him. He laughs and drops it before taking lead. He carries on down the hallway until we reach the very end and then he opens a red door and waves me in.

“What? Now you want to be a gentleman and let me go first?” He pauses, stepping in behind me and closing the door. “Little too late for that. I heard the moans last night. There’s nothing gentlemanly about you, Mr.” I take the first step which leads up to what I’m guessing is his bedroom. The entire third level must be just his bedroom.

His hand catches mine. “Is that what this attitude is about?” He nudges his head up and down my body.

I pull my hand from his. “No. The only thing that annoyed me about that was the fact that it woke me at four a.m. and then I had to put on a movie to drown out the dying chicken sounds.”

He follows me up the stairs. “Dying chicken sounds?” There’s a hint of a humor in his tone.

“Mmm-hmm.” Once I reach the top of the stairs, my breath leaves me. “Holy crap!”

The entire room is one big circle which has floor-to-ceiling windows as the walls. I’m guessing it’s so he has a view of the entire property. His massive bed sits to the left with a couple of bedside tables and his closet which is behind the bed. The stairs are in the middle of the room but everything is placed in a way that doesn’t disturb the view.


He steps towards his closet and it’s the first time I’ve noticed his bed hair. It’s hot bed hair. His blond strands are all messy and hanging over his shaved sides. I’m guessing the tattoos on his scalp must have hurt. Well, it would hurt someone like me.

“I won’t be long.” He slips into his closet, so I walk towards the window to get a view of the property. It’s stunning. I still don’t know what it is he does exactly, but I remember him saying they all had lives outside the base, but what is his life? Again, it terrifies me some. A suited man who’s armed with a gun holster vest on top of his shirt monitors the yard closely. I’m not sure how far back the property goes, but I know we drove down a long road to get here. The backyard is vast and is lined with tall shaded trees and the greenness of the countryside. It’s basic with no over-the-top garden or anything like that, which I guess makes a lot of sense. I can’t imagine Raze, or any of the men here, doing gardens, and I also can’t see Raze trusting someone to do them. I like gardens, always have. It lights up a home from the outside in. Maybe he could get Cassia or Ella to do them, though I’m sure that doesn’t fit their job description.

Raze walks out with loose-fitting jeans and a casual white t-shirt. His hair is back in its normal style and he has combat boots on his feet.

I smile. “I can wait in my room. I’m sure you have other things you’d rather be doing.”

He pulls open the top drawer of his nightstand, watching me closely. “Other things?”

“Yeah, I don’t know. Whatever it is that you do when you’re not kidnapping women and holding them captive.”

He walks towards me, taking my hand in his and directing me back down the stairs.

“Are you asking me what I do?” he asks as we hit the bottom of the stairs and he pushes open the door that leads us back down the hallway. “Because you’re not ready for that discussion.”

I roll my eyes and follow behind him back through the hallway. “How long ago was it that I was taken?”

“Almost a couple weeks.” He pauses and turns to face me. “I’ll tell you when you can contact Melissa.”

I shake my head. “I don’t want to contact her.” I don’t know what I would say to her or how to be me again.

He continues down the hallway, so I fall behind him. “I need to handle something real quick,” Raze says and Miles comes up behind me.

I smile. “Hey!”

Raze looks between both of us suspiciously. “Here,” Raze says, handing me a phone. “Text me if you need anything. My number is already in there and don’t think about running or trying to call anyone else because all other calls but me and Miles have been blocked.”

I nod my head, taking the phone from him. His fingertips brush over my hand and I pull away from him instantly.

“Are we ready?” Ella asks as she walks down the stairs with Cassia hot on her tail.

Raze keeps his eyes on mine. “Yeah, meet me in the car,” he says to them but still looking at me.

I blatantly ignore Cassia and Ella’s stares as they walk past me to the front door. Raze steps toward me and my hand flies up to his chest, his rough hard muscles flexing under my palm. I fist his shirt in the palm of my hand and snort, my eyes closing briefly. “Don’t… come near me, Raze. Not like that, not anymore.”

His eyes fall to my lips and for the next few minutes, I forget that Miles is standing behind me. “Why?” Raze asks casually, taking another step toward me.