“Good, show me what you got, boy!”

With one swift movement, Raze sunk the end of the military blade into the part where Kurr told him to start and blood began to squirt everywhere, dripping over Raze and Kurr’s face and body.

“Carry on, son! Finish him!”

With a pounding heart, Raze followed his father’s orders and slit the knife with jagged precision across the man’s throat until the deafening sounds of the man choking on his own blood disappeared. More blood showered out everywhere, hitting the back of Raze’s mouth. “Good boy, son,” Kurr said, tapping Raze on the ankle, then chuckled with triumph. “The Executioner has been born.”


The sound of hushed voices pull me from my deep sleep. My eyes peek at the alarm clock which sits on the bedside table. High pitched laughing vibrates through the air. I roll onto my back in a huff. “Just have to get through what he needs me for and then I can go.” I roll onto my side, watching the twinkling of the bright stars out my window, when another girly laugh sounds out, sandwiched with a deep voice. Picking up the remote on the side table, I turn the television on, not wanting to hear whatever it is that they’re doing. Not because I’m jealous, but because it’s the last thing I want to hear at four a.m. Who is even awake at this time, anyway? Playboy bunnies, that’s who. Sluts.

I flick through the selections on Netflix and smile when I click on the horror genre. Truth be told, I’ve always had a fascination with horror movies, but I could never watch them while I was practicing my faith. I’m not sure who I’m angrier at, or if I can even be angry at anyone but myself, but I feel like a big part of me is lost without return. I’m broken and cannot be fixed; I just have to learn how to live with the cracks that now help pave my future—if I even have a future, that is, and knowing my luck as of late, I probably don’t. So am I angry at Raze? No. Kurr? Yes. The Priest? Like no other anger I’ve felt before. But am I pissed at Raze? Hell. Yes. And I’m not touching the long list of reasons why I’m mad at him yet.

I push play on “The Hills Have Eyes” before snuggling back into the cozy warmth of my blanket. I’m only into the opening credits when I hear the loud moans coming from the other room. “Really?” I throw my arm over my eyes before pulling myself back together and picking up the remote, turning it up louder. I smile, sinking back into my bed with the loud sound blaring out of my television. Screw you and your pornstar moans, ya bunch of skank ass hos. Tsk tsk, don’t be jelly, Mellie… you know how much your dirty little mind craves being shackled up with Raze again. I drop my arm to the side of my body, sinking deeper into the big fluffy blanket when my door creaks open and the hallway light beams in. My head snaps towards a body standing at the threshold. My stupid hammering heart calms itself once I notice it’s Miles.

“Miles!” I fall back onto my back, the puffy blanket blowing up around me. “You scared the crap out of me. What’re you doing?”

Turning the volume down on the TV, I sit up. He’s wearing black sweatpants with no top. Really? Is this a test? Because I might fail if Miles comes any closer to me looking like that. He has an angry scar that slices its way down from his shoulder blade all the way over his finely sculpted torso. I offer a small smile, knowing that having a scar that large and angry must have a very big story behind it. The bigger the scar, the bigger the story.

He steps inside and kicks the door closed behind himself.

I draw my knees up. “Miles?”

“Sorry,” he mutters sheepishly, running his hands over his long dark hair and pushing it back away

from his face. “I heard your TV, noticing the time, and thought it was odd, so I jumped out of bed to check on you, but when I opened your door, I heard the live porn show happening a couple rooms down and sort of dropped my balls and dived into your room because if Raze catches me outside your room at four a.m., he’ll feast on them for months.”

I relax, my arms loosening on the grip they had on my knees. I pat the spot next to me. “Sit. Do you like horror movies?”

He watches me carefully, scanning me up and down and pushing his hands into his pockets. “You watch horror movies?”

I shrug. “I’ve always been fascinated by them, but I knew it was wrong if I watched. Come, sit.” He turns towards the door before turning back to me. I roll my eyes. “He won’t come in here. He’s a little busy. Sit. You can go back once you’ve heard him leave, or whatever.”

He takes a slow step toward the bed, dropping down furthest away from me. “Will you hound me with questions I can’t give answers to?”

I hold up my fingers. “Scout’s honor. I promise.”

He relaxes against the headboard and I push play on the movie.

“So you’re not a nun anymore?” he asks just as the movie resumes.

“Nope. I don’t deserve it.”

“Why do you say that?” he asks.

The question is genuine so I don’t mind answering. “Because of what happened to me while I was in the dungeon. What I felt, how much I…” I pause, running my tongue over the bottom of my now very dry lips. “Loved it.” He moves and I turn my head to face him. “Don’t look at me like that. I didn’t mean to enjoy it. It was wrong. I shouldn’t have,” I finish on a whisper. “But I did, and for that, I can never go back. This is me now, and I’m still not sure who ‘me’ is.”

He laughs lightly. “I wasn’t judging.” Sure he wasn’t.

I nudge my head. “So who are you anyway? You don’t stand behind Raze’s every move like the rest of his soldiers, but I can see that you’re his most valued soldier. You drift in and out, sort of like a ghost.”

“I thought you said no questions?” He cocks his brow.

I blush. “Sorry.” I take my eyes back to the television.

He waves me off so I look back towards him. “Raze is my best friend, I guess you could say. Well, as close to a best friend as you can get with someone like Raze.”

I turn toward him slightly. “I wouldn’t know.”