“Raze.” A nod goes around the table at my entry.

“Hachiro,” I reply, relaxing into my seat.

Hachiro sits forward with his two men beside him, watching me closely. I lock my eyes with his,

my jaw taut. I can feel his boys tense up, watching me with careful eyes, so I cock my brow. “You gonna tell your bitch boys to stand the fuck down? Or do I have to remind them who they’re dealing with?”

Hachiro’s eye twitches. I want to laugh because he’ll be hating the position I’ve put him in, which is the position all men find themselves in while in my presence: on their hands and knees like the good little bitches they are.

With a small nod, his boys back down.

“What’s the plan, Raze? Gonna fill me in here or are you assuming that the Yakuza will back you because of who you are?”

I chuckle, running my index finger over the top of my lip. “Mmm. I’m thinking you’re going to be more than happy to accompany me into my plan, Hachiro.” My eyes gleam, the smile that pulls across my mouth doing a poor attempt at hiding my excitement.

“Well, by all means,” he flicks his hands up. “Fill me in.”


Not long after Raze leaves the room, I hear a knock on the door. “Millie?”

I walk towards the door and pull it open. Miles is standing there in his suit and tie. He’s wearing black rimmed glasses that frame his bright blue eyes, and for the love of all hot men, he actually pulls them off, though I have to note that his style is a little strange. “Yes? What can I do for you?”

He nudges his head toward the hallway. “Well, I take it you’re hungry. I’ll show you around.” “Show me around?” I question, closing the door behind myself and falling into step behind him. Walking past another door, I see it’s cracked open a little so I pause and take a step back. Miles is still chatting away when I peer into the bedroom. It looks similar to mine only this one has white walls and yellow curtains. A blonde girl is sitting on the bed watching what I assume to be the television.

“What’re you doing?” Miles whispers harshly into my ear, making me jump in my spot.

Whacking his arm with the back of my hand, I scold him. “You scared me.”

I look up to him and his eyes widen. “Good. The smart ones are scared of me.”

“I’m not very smart,” I trail off, taking my eyes back to the girl.

His hand wraps around my chin as he snaps my face back towards him. “Food. You look like shit and you’re way too skinny.”

I follow behind him, my arms folded in front of myself. “So what? Does he have a collection of woman? And how do you know this isn’t my normal weight? I might just be this skinny.”

Miles laughs as we reach the top of the stairs. “Collection of women? You could say that.” He shrugs before continuing. “Your tits, puddin’. They give you away.”

He continues walking and I look down at my breasts. “What about them?”

He tsks at me, throwing his finger up in the air. “They’re too fucking juicy, that’s what. Come.”

I follow behind, my hand on the rail to stop me from falling. “And why?”

“Why… what?” Miles asks. Did he not know why I was asking why Raze needed an army of women?

“Why does he have all these woman? Did he buy them too?”

Miles laughs. We reach the bottom of the stairs as he leads me into the kitchen. “No. He didn’t buy them, Millie.”

“Why do you find that funny? He just bought me. What else am I to assume is going on here?”

“You don’t,” he answers, pulling open the fridge and placing deli meats, cheese, mayo, and bread on the breakfast bar. I pull out a stool, taking a seat.

“What do you mean, ‘you don’t’? And are you making me a sandwich?” I can’t hide the small laugh that’s about to slip. He pauses, closing the fridge door.

“Make your own shit and stop asking questions. I can’t answer anything for you, you’ll have to ask Raze.”