“Why are you guys doing this?” she managed to whisper after a while.
Shaw’s brows pinched in a frown that their daughter shared. Just seeing it filled her with a heavy longing to see her daughter again.
She could leave, sure. But what would that gain her?
She could also push Shaw away and demand that he leave her alone.
“We want to give you as much pleasure as possible while you’re on the ranch,” he answered quietly.
She tried to snag an answer from the cloud of her churning thoughts, but her mind was too high on endorphins after her last orgasm.
“I think our woman’s getting tense again, Shaw.” Dylan’s drawl sent a spike of fresh need through her core.
Shaw’s crooked, bad-boy grin made her heart jog as he slowly moved down her body. Dylan hooked his arm around her knee, parting her for Shaw. The whisper of his beard stubble on her inner thighs drew a cry to her lips, but when he buried his tongue in her pussy, she couldn’t try to think anymore and submitted to the sensation of being pleasured by two men.
* * * * *
Dylan perched on the edge of the bed, watching the pale blue morning light creep over Sloane’s beautiful face. The brushstrokes of light and shadow, and a few pale freckles too, was a masterpiece he couldn’t bring himself to look away from.
Their night together—shared with Shaw—had left her in a peaceful slumber.
Shaw stood a few feet away, seemingly in a similar state of shock as Dylan felt. He pulled on his jeans but didn’t button them. Then he spent a long heartbeat gazing down at their sleeping lover.
Slicing a hand through his hair, he walked over to an armchair in the corner of the bedroom and sank to it.
“You look as dazed as I feel,” Shaw grated out in a tone pitched low enough not to wake Sloane.
His heart launched up his throat. Shaking his head, he battled to make some response. “She’s fucking perfect.”
Shaw’s dark gaze pierced his. “Yup.”
He had so many questions. But the one eating at him the most had nothing to do with Sloane and Shaw’s past—he was thinking of their future.
He couldn’t utter any of the words.
He was a floater in life. He was here right now. Tomorrow could be a different story, and he’d just roll with whatever happened. He didn’t call the shots—the universe put him where he was supposed to be.
Finally, he stood from the bed and went into the bathroom. A nice, hot shower always worked to clear his head. He used the technique to get his head on before bull riding. One small mistake could see him injured at best, and the worse alternative was he’d wind up losing his life to a dangerous bull.
Showers also helped him after a ride, where he’d let the hot spray ease all the sore muscles he had from being whipped on the back of a two-thousand-pound beast. It offered him time to replay the ride in his mind and analyze all the moves he’d made that could have made it a perfect score.
The hours spent with Shaw and Sloane were just as hairy as eight seconds on the back of a bull, in his opinion.
Seeing them together, it was obvious they still shared a love for each other. For himself, he liked Sloane—a lot. He thought of Shaw as a good friend and a lover he hoped to enjoy again soon.
But it was hard not to fall in love with their love.
Dylan stood in the expansive luxury shower with several showerheads working their magic. He hardly took note of how good it felt, though, because last night had messed with his head worse than any BDSM scene he’d ever dabbled in or witnessed on that stage.
The steam swirling around him only cleared his mind enough for him to see that he’d lost a little bit of himself to Shaw when they shared that other woman. It hadn’t really been about her. Even though she was the focus of their attention, it was Shaw that Dylan wanted.
The crazy thing was, he wanted Sloane in the exact same way.
Best to walk away. Make a clean break. He could go into the office and tell them he needed to leave for the rest of the week.
If Shaw and Sloane got back together, he’d be out of the picture. Since they shared a child, it was only right.
Being together again might show them that they were better apart too, and in that case, Sloane would go home, and Shaw would go back to being his grumpy self.