Page 16 of Stud Ranch

Sloane brought a mug of steaming tea to her lips and drew in the aroma of the fresh brew. Over the rim of the cup, she looked at the man who’d brought her breakfast in bed—and more than one orgasm last night.

“Did you make this tea yourself?”

He chuckled. “No. I ordered the tray from the dining hall.”

“The food was delicious. Thank you again.”

He perched on the edge of the bed, eyeing her like he wanted to start the cycle all over again. Boy, was she ready for it too.

She had hopes that having sex with a cowboy gigolo would help her get over the heartbreak and to forge on as a busy single mom. She definitely was ready to relax and have some fun this week.

“What is there to do around here?” She brought the tea back to her lips, saw his face and almost spit out her sip.

When he laughed, that dimple cut deep into his cheek, mixing his bad-boy look with the cute boy next door who would quickly divest a girl of her panties.

“Besides the obvious,” she clarified.

He crawled into bed beside her and stretched out his long legs. “There’s horseback riding.”

She wrinkled her nose.

“It’s not everyone’s thing.”

“Do you enjoy riding horses?”

His lips hitched higher at one corner. “Among other things.”


“And bulls.”

She sat up straighter. “Bulls? Are you serious?”

He leaned back and gestured to the big brass belt buckle he wore. Peering closer, she saw a bucking bull engraved on it, along with a date.

“You won that? Dylan, that’s amazing!” She stared at him in awe. “How did you ever get into riding bulls? It’s so dangerous.”

“Same way you became a butt model, I’d say. You just jump in.”

She shook her head in disbelief. “How do you find the time while working here?”

“I’m only here in the off-season.” Hooking a knuckle beneath her chin, he stared deep into her eyes. “You got lucky.”

Her smile spread through her whole body. Now that she knew the danger he faced when competing, she was even more intrigued. Too bad she wouldn’t get more time to get to know him.

Not that he’d remember her after this.

“Besides horseback riding, there’s strip poker and skinny-dipping.”

She contemplated both activities. “I’ve already done both of those in my life.”

His teeth flashed with a broad grin. “Tell me more.”

“You know I do movies. I’ve done both on the big screen.”

“Doesn’t count if it was for a job.”

She widened her eyes. “Yes, it does! I really get in character when I’m working.”