Page 98 of Tell Me I'm Yours

As the Ghost got further down the driveway, the sound of Leo’s voice behind me finally stopped.

A million thoughts filled my head.

A million and one questions raced through my mind.

Why would Dylan mess with ACM when he knew damn well how much that company and partnership meant to me?

Why had he acted like he cared and given so much when he’d end up betraying me in the end?

Had it all been about the sex and only the sex?

Jesus!The guy deserved an Academy Award for those performances because I’d been pretty damn convinced that there was way more to our relationship than just hot sex.

Memories flashed through my mind.

Every thoughtful gesture.

Every time he’d told me I was beautiful.

Every time he’d told me that he cared about me.

Every look.

Every touch.

Nothing made sense except the pain of the heartache I was trying to live through right now.

I’d known that if I let Dylan Lancaster in, he’d have the power to destroy me.

I’d just never thought that it would ever happen.

I’d loved him.

I’d trusted him.

Shit!I’d wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

No, he’d never said he was in love with me, but I’d hoped that someday, he’d end up falling in love with me, too.

Thiswas the story of my life. I was sometimes fuckable, but never loveable.

God, had I really been stupid enough to think it would end any differently this time?

To make things even worse, I’d allowed myself to fall crazy in love, so it wasn’t just rejection I felt. It was full-on emotional agony.

I swiped angrily at the tears on my face.

After my husband had died, and I’d taken a long ride on that emotional roller coaster through hell, I’d sworn I’d never cry over a man ever again.

And I hadn’t.

Until now.

Dylan Lancaster had finally broken me, and I had no idea if I could ever manage to put the pieces back together this time.