Page 92 of Tell Me I'm Yours

Macy nodded. “Out near Palm Desert. He offered to take me around after everything is built. It’s a really ambitious project because there are so many natural habitats to set up, but I’m sure he’ll be successful. He’s already done it once here.”

I grinned as I looked at the animation on her face, an expression I hadn’t seen in a long time. “Am I sensing some hero-worship here?”

She made a face. “Probably. I’ve seen every documentary that’s ever been put out about his missions. Unfortunately, there have only been a few, and they aren’t easy to find since they were done by British television. They weren’t exactly high profile.”

“Leo never mentioned that those even existed,” Nic said, sounding perplexed.

“I don’t think he’s after any kind of spotlight,” Macy mused. “I think he only let a film crew follow him a few times for educational purposes and awareness.”

“Sounds like him,” Nic said with a nod. “Do you like him? If I wasn’t thoroughly in love with my fiancé, I’d probably say Leo is pretty hot.”

Like Nic, I wasn’t attracted to Leo, either, but aesthetically speaking, he was definitely gorgeous. That wild blond hair, sinful blue eyes, and his very fit body made him a sexy sight to behold.

“I may have had a tiny crush on him at one time, after I saw his documentaries,” Macy said, holding her thumb and forefinger together so there was just a small space in between.

“What was it like to see him in the flesh?” I asked.

“He’s even hotter than he was on television,” she admitted. “Nicer than I thought he would be, too. We mostly just talked about his work. You know I’m not good at small talk.”

I gave her an inquisitive look. “Why would you think he wouldn’t be nice?”

Macy poured herself more champagne as she answered. “He is a rich billionaire from an aristocratic family. Plus, he’s accomplished some pretty incredible things at a very young age. That would usually add up to somebody with a very big ego. I guess I was just surprised that he was so down to Earth, and…nice.”

“The whole family is like that,” I said with a sigh. “Bella is so sweet. She’s made me feel so welcome. For some weird reason, she thinks I’m responsible for some of Dylan’s progress and recovery.”

“I don’t think she’s wrong about that,” Nic said, supporting her future mother-in-law. “Dylan said you even tried to teach him to meditate.”

I chuckled. “I did try, and he’s learned a few deep breathing techniques, but his full meditation was a fail. He said he’d rather keep his eyes open so he could watch me. Other than that, all I’ve done is support him, and listen when he wanted to talk. Over time, we just became friends and companions. It benefited me as much as it did him. He’s a challenge as a tennis partner, and he took me to some fantastic places for dinner. Not to mention that amazing beach house that he’s now purchased from the prince. So the relationship was far from one-sided.”

Nic’s eyes widened. “He actually bought that place?”

I nodded. “He said his friend was contemplating selling, and Dylan didn’t want someone else to buy it. So he bought it himself.”

“Okay,” Nic said. “Now I know where I’m staying when I get back there to visit. Not that the purchase was really a big deal to him, but that house is so beautiful and relaxing. Once he’s my brother-in-law, I can definitely ask him for a favor.”

“He seems really nice. I think he’d loan it to you whenever you wanted,” Macy said. “I’m still stunned by his donation to the animal shelter, and he and Damian told me last night that they’ve set up a recurring donation from Lancaster International. That’s a really big deal for the shelter.”

“Dylan didn’t tell me that,” I told her. “But I’m not surprised.”

“Me, either,” Nic said with a sigh.

“So,” Macy said. “Dylan seems absolutely crazy about you, Kylie. Am I going to be coming back to England for another wedding?”

I nearly choked on my champagne. “God, no,” I answered. “We haven’t even talked about the future yet.”

“I think you should pencil the wedding into your schedule, though,” Nic told Macy.

I quickly filled Macy in on anything she’d missed, including Dylan’s past, when Nic nodded at me in encouragement. After all, it wasn’t like he was exactly hiding what had happened anymore.

“So don’t start hearing wedding bells,” I finished. “Dylan is still getting used to being a billionaire mogul again right now. He’s not ready for a commitment.”

“Are you ready for that?” Macy asked.

“I love him,” I said with a note of hopelessness in my voice. “But his life is here, and mine is back in Newport Beach. He needs time. He was in a dark place for two years, through no fault of his own.”

“Maybe that’s all the more reason for you two to be together,” Macy said thoughtfully. “It really sounds like you…heal each other.”

I thought about that for a minute.