Page 89 of Tell Me I'm Yours

I sent Dylan a quick wave as Nic dragged me inside, pulling me past the crowd in the ballroom and into a quiet room on the other side of the house that appeared to be a library.

“Tell me everything,” she said as she closed the door. “Oh, my God, you look amazing, Kylie. I’m sure Dylan’s eyes popped out of his head earlier.”

“You look gorgeous, too,” I told her. “And we went sightseeing all week. There’s not much more to tell.”

There was a radiant happiness vibe that surrounded my best friend that had never been there before. After all the heartache of losing her mom, I was ecstatic over the fact that she was going to be living in wedded bliss with Damian.

“There’s plenty more to tell,” she argued as she folded her arms and leaned her ass against a large oak desk. “I saw the way you were looking at Dylan when he and Damian were finally face-to-face. You were worried, and I swear I saw tears in your eyes. You never cry, Kylie. You’re not just attracted to him. You’re head over heels in love with Dylan Lancaster.”

Dammit!I’d never been able to hide anything from Nicole, even when I really wanted to, which was right about now.

She was getting married. She didn’t need to hear about my relationship with Dylan.

“Spill it,” she insisted, her pretty blue eyes locked on my face.

I gave up. “I didn’t mean for it to happen, but yeah, I fell for him. It was impossible not to fall in love with him. He’s unlike any other guy I’ve ever met. He’s the one who bought me this incredible dress. When we were in Harrods, I loved it, but I ran like hell when I saw the price. He had it delivered as a gift. A gift. Just because he’d noticed that I looked at it. In fact, every single thing I admired at that store ended up in my closet at his home. Who does that?”

Nic smiled. “They are a little overwhelming at first, but you’ll get used to it. God, Kylie, it’s obvious he’s crazy about you, too. I thought he was going to tear Leo’s head off when he told you how gorgeous you were and wanted a hug. Dylan looks at you in exactly the same way as Damian looks at me. Can’t you see that?”

I shook my head. “We care a lot about each other, Nic, but I don’t think Dylan is ready for any huge commitments. Not after what he’s been through. I promised myself I’d be okay with that, as long as we gave this thing our best shot. He’s definitely kept up his part of that bargain. Dylan gives without ever expecting anything back, and I know we aren’t walking away from this entirely. It’s just going to be really hard to leave him after we’ve spent so much time together.”

Nicole lifted a brow. “What? You think he’s just going to let you go, and you’ll see each other once in a while? Not happening. Lancaster men aren’t like that, Kylie. They love with their whole heart, and once they find the right woman, there is no one else for them. Their father was the same way, and Bella will never marry again, much less look at another man, now that her husband is gone. Do you really think Dylan is going to let go of the only woman he’ll ever love?”

“He’s never said that he loves me,” I confessed. “I’m not sure that he does. You have to remember how much Dylan has been through, Nic.”

“I realize that,” she replied. “But I’m not so sure you two didn’t meet at exactly the right time. I think you were both ready. You’ve certainly both been hurt enough times to appreciate each other.”

“He’s more than I ever expected,” I said, my voice shaky. “He’s…” my voice trailed off.

“Overwhelming?” she finished. “I know the feeling, but I wouldn’t trade the way Damian loves me for anything else in the world. When he looks at me, I know he’s seeing the one woman in the world that he wants. That he’ll ever love. I’ll take the possessiveness and insanity that goes along with that anytime.”

“God, how do you handle the fact that there’s nothing in this world that Damian can’t buy?” I groaned.

“He can’t buy everything,” she mused. “The one thing he can’t buy is my love, and when I gave him that, he’s cherished it like it’s the greatest gift I could give him. His money and power are a part of him, but it’s just one part of a very amazing guy. It was hard at first because I didn’t come from the same background, but it’s just…money. And it is really convenient that he has a private jet that can take us anywhere,” she said in a joking manner. “Not to mention a home that’s pretty mind-blowing, and a Rolls that will take me anywhere I want to go. The thought of driving in London is a little daunting.”

I gaped at her. “You really are okay with all that,” I said. “It doesn’t bother you anymore.”

She shrugged. “Why should it? What am I going to do? Insist that he give up all of his money so we can take an Uber and budget how to afford everything?”

I snorted. “I suppose you’re right. It’s easier to elevate to his lifestyle.”

“His money isn’t going to change who I am,” Nicole said firmly.

I nodded slowly. “You’re right. I guess I never really thought past my own discomfort. Dylan and I just come from such different worlds.”

“But you share the same heart,” Nic said gently. “Which is all that really matters, Kylie. I have to get back to the gala, but think about that. All I want is for you to be happy.”

I hugged her tightly before we made our way back to the enormous ballroom, my mind reeling as I surveyed the crowd.

There were food tables everywhere and an enormous dance floor.

I eyed the food and had just decided to head there first when a tuxedo-clad gentleman appeared next to me. “I don’t think we’ve met. Would you care to dance?” he asked.

“Don’t even think about it, mate,” I heard Dylan growl from behind me. “This one is taken.”

The stranger’s eyes widened as he turned around. “Dylan? It must be you since your twin is marrying Nicole.”

Dylan nodded sharply. “Nice to see you, Gerald, but Kylie and I have to be going. She’s promised all of her dances to me tonight.”