Page 86 of Tell Me I'm Yours

She sighed. “We haven’t gotten to use the tennis court yet. That level is amazing.”

I smiled. I’d planned that indoor tennis court before I’d even met Kylie. “Because we’ve been so worn out from all our other physical exercise,” I said, using a tone of voice that would tell her I wasn’t talking about our sightseeing.”

She scooted closer. “I’d take that over tennis any day.”

“Did I tell you how gorgeous you look tonight?” I asked.

“Actually, you haven’t. Do you think the dress is too much?” she asked.

Shit! I shouldn’t have let my overactive brain get in the way of telling her how stunning she was. “Not at all. I’m just worried I may have to chase all the lechers away from you.”

She snorted adorably. “I feel good, and it’s a beautiful dress, but I don’t think your job will be that hard.”

“Good, because I’ll definitely have something else that is hard all night long,” I grumbled. “And I won’t be able to take my eyes off you.”

“You’re looking incredibly handsome yourself in black tie,” she informed me. “I’ll have the hottest escort at the gala.”

I felt somewhat placated. “I do have an identical twin brother,” I reminded her.

“No offense to Damian, but you’re way hotter. Never once has he made my female hormones twitch.”

I grinned, feeling even more appeased. “How is that possible when we look exactly alike?”

“You feel different,” she said, looking like she wasn’t quite sure how to explain. “Even though you look similar, your auras are different. Damian is a little aloof until you get to know him. You radiate energy, passion, and red-hot, sweaty, orgasmic sex. Maybe it’s our chemistry, but I was attracted to you from day one. Yes, you were incredibly rude, but I was still…drawn to you. Maybe this is weird, but I could almost sense your pain, and it unsettled me.”

I shook my head. “I was drawn to you, too. Those first few days, maybe that made me uncomfortable, too. So I wanted to scare you away. Fortunately for me, you aren’t easily intimidated. I’m lucky that my balls are still intact.”

“They felt just fine the last time I fondled them,” she said in a low, sexy voice.

Christ!I’d thought my dick couldn’t get any harder.

Apparently, I’d been wrong.

“Be careful, love, or you’ll get more than you bargained for right here in the back seat of this car,” I warned her.

I’d closed the partition up between the driver and us as soon as we’d gotten into the vehicle. Considering the fact that it was already dark, it wouldn’t be impossible to—

“Not in this dress, or in this car. I’d prefer not to arrive to meet your family for the first time looking like I’ve just gotten quickie in the back seat of a Rolls,” she said firmly. “No matter how hot that might be.”

Bloody hell! She was right, but the gnawing instinct in the pit of my stomach was to somehow mark this woman as mine before those other tossers got any ideas.

I hated myself right now because this was essentially my damn fault for not having the discussion Kylie and I should have had a long time ago.

As of now, I’d done nothing to cement our future or make sure that every bastard out there knew that this woman was mine.

Not just for a week or two.

Not just for something short-term.

Not just as a girlfriend or a lover.

The way I felt about Kylie wasn’t going to change, and I’d known that for some time now.

Granted, I had gotten the ball rolling on our future, but I hadn’t shared those plans with her yet.

The truth was, maybe there was a part of me that didn’t want to hear her say that it wasn’t exactly what she wanted, too.

I’d wanted to make sure she trusted me enough to take that leap of faith since I still had a history of being an idiot to overcome.