Page 54 of Tell Me I'm Yours



As soon as I read Macy’s long text message, I wandered out of the bedroom to look for Dylan.

Surprisingly, I found him in the kitchen, my miniature beagle watching Dylan intently from the floor in the hopes that he might score an unexpected treat.

Dylan looked up from whatever he was doing and shot me a grin that immediately made my panties melt.

I’d rolled out of bed, and I’d gone in search of Dylan without bothering to get dressed like I usually did before I sought him out.

It wasn’t like my sleeping attire was exactly sexy, but it was summer, so I was wearing a pair of skimpy sleep shorts and a matching cutoff tank that exposed my midriff.

“Nice pajamas,” he said huskily as his eyes swept over me.

I was a little horrified when I actually blushed like a teenage girl.

Hell, no guy had ever said anything that turned my cheeks this hot, even when I was a teenager.

“Sorry. I wanted to talk to you,” I said softly.

“Please, don’t apologize,” he answered. “Feel free to wear as little as you like.”

I coughed uncomfortably, having already noticed that he was bare-chested and only wearing a pair of black pajama bottoms.

Once I stopped drooling, I remembered exactly why I’d been looking for him in the first place.

“Dylan?” I started. “Did you really send hundreds of handmade comfort blankets to Macy’s animal shelter? She said you made a ridiculously large monetary donation, too.”

He shrugged. “It wasn’t like I made them myself. The work was given to a few families who were thrilled to make some extra money. And I donate to good causes all the time. It wasn’t something I don’t ordinarily do.”

I rolled my eyes. Dylan hadn’t just made a small donation. What he’d given would support the shelter for quite some time. Because of Damian’s generosity, and now Dylan’s, the animal charity would be able to take on a lot more abandoned dogs and cats than it ever had before.

“Don’t act like what you did was nothing,” I said as I approached the kitchen island. “It was a big deal for those animals and for Macy. I’m not sure how to thank you, but it means a lot to Macy and to me.”

I wasn’t exactly sure how he’d known what the name of the animal shelter was, so it had taken some time and effort for him to figure it out and to arrange for someone to make a boatload of those comfort blankets, too.

It made my heart ache that he didn’t seem to expect any recognition for doing something so thoughtful.

“If you really must thank me, I can think of a few different ways that would be more than acceptable,” he said huskily.

The mischievous look in his eyes told me exactly what he was thinking, and all of those possibilities probably included the two of us getting naked.

“You’re so twisted,” I accused him.

I knew his sexual innuendo was his way of blowing off what he’d done because he didn’t appear to be comfortable with a normal expression of gratitude.

I was certain that Lancaster International, and the Lancaster brothers themselves, gave generously to charity. Had the recipients of those donations gotten so used to receiving those funds that they didn’t thank them personally?

Most likely, checks were sent, and there was no personal interaction in the whole process.

I walked around the island, stepping over my hopeful canine as I moved closer to Dylan and kissed his cheek.

He snaked a powerful arm around my waist. “I doubt there’s any man who would let you get away with just an innocent kiss like that, gorgeous,” he said in a low baritone right before he lowered his mouth to mine.

I closed my eyes and savored the intimate embrace.

It was a slow, sizzling kiss that I felt from my mouth all the way to my toes, and every intimate location in between.