Page 25 of Tell Me I'm Yours

“I don’t think so,” I finally answered. “I’m knackered.”

Yes, that was a complete falsehood, but I could hardly tell her that if I got any closer to her, I wasn’t going to be able to stop myself from reaching out and taking what I wanted.

Would that really be a bad thing? Kylie did say she had a dry spell, too. What if we could both get something out of a good shag or two…or a dozen?

If she was any other woman I was attracted to, I might be tempted, but she was Kylie, and unfortunately for me, I wanted her to trust me just as much as I wanted her in my bed.

Currently, those two desires were at war with each other, but in the end, I knew it was more important to prove that I wasn’t a worthless tosser.

I had no fucking idea why that mattered so much. Possibly because it had been a long time since anyone had looked at me like she did.

Kylie had given me the benefit of the doubt when no one else had, and it made me want to be a better man.

Because she treated me like a man who was worthy of respect until I proved otherwise.

Because she wanted to know more about me when no one else gave a damn.

Because she actually seemed to like me, even though I could be a major prick.

Because she hadn’t given up on me, even when I’d tried to chase her away.

I didn’t know exactly what I wanted from Kylie Hart, but I did know I wanted more than just a fuck.

“You’re tired?” she asked, sounding concerned. “Are you okay, Dylan?”

And just like that, she was suddenly worried about me, even though I didn’t really deserve her kindness.

I realized that I wasn’t worthy of her tenderness, but damned if I didn’t want to completely drown in her warmth.

I almost craved it like a drug because I’d been cold and numb for so damn long.

Staying detached is far safer.

I hesitated, but for once, I ignored that dire warning voice in my head.

“I’m fine. Really,” I assured her. “Too much rich food tonight at the restaurant. I’m feeling rather lazy.”

She studied me with those expressive eyes beneath her long lashes. “Okay, but I ate a lot more than you did. If something is wrong, and you want to talk, I’m here, Dylan.”

It was almost like I could feel one more of my defensive walls that guarded my emotions come tumbling down.

Her offer was completely guileless and heartfelt. Kylie was offering to be there for me without wanting a single thing back for doing it. That was exactly the kind of thing she did that really got to me.

ThatI really didn’t understand.

I’d never had a female reach out to me like that and not want something.

Remember the past.

Remember that things aren’t always as they seem.

Regardless of that warning voice in my brain, it took everything I had not to take her up on her offer and just let her in.