Page 72 of Tell Me I'm Yours



“Have I thanked you for this?” Kylie asked as she fastened her seat belt and turned her head to look at me. “I can’t believe that you arranged everything so we could leave a week early to see the sights of London. And this jet is so magical.”

I shook my head. I’d never heard anyone call my private jet “magical” and all I’d really had to do was make sure the flight crew was ready. But if she wanted to look at me like I’d pulled off something special, then who was I to argue?

“It’s not like you’ll have much time to sightsee when all the wedding excitement is happening,” I said.

Really, my motivations had been somewhat selfish.

Yes, I wanted to show her London, but I wanted time to take her around from a tourist’s perspective before she was submerged into my world as Dylan Lancaster.

They were two different things entirely.

After we’d returned to Beverly Hills, Kylie and I had gone back to our usual routine for several days before it had occurred to me that we could be in London, doing the same thing.

Since my nausea-inducing therapy sessions had been cut down significantly because I was done with some of the more time-intensive parts, I’d arranged to do my sessions by video conference.

It hadn’t been difficult to get an office set up for Kylie at my home in London, although I didn’t plan on letting her spend much time there.

She had a lot of places on her list of must-see attractions in London, so we’d have to do the whirlwind tour.

Nicole and Damian would be at Hollingsworth House this week to finish up last-minute arrangements for the wedding, so I’d get this one week with Kylie all to myself.

I didn’t plan on wasting a moment of it.

Additional time wasn’t necessary for me to discover that I couldn’t live without her.

Honestly, that fact had probably been crystal clear to me for a while now.

I just wasn’t so certain she was convinced that she couldn’t live without…me.

Not that she hadn’t embraced the whole mutual affection relationship.

Hell, if anything, she’d become so damn good at it that I spent most of my time walking around with a glass-half-full mentality myself these days.

Or maybe that glass was literally overflowing, which made me determined to make sure things stayed this way.

My damn heart couldn’t take it if Kylie decided she was anything other than completely and irrevocably mine.

The sooner that commitment was made, the better in my mind.

If that didn’t happen soon, I was afraid I’d lose my sanity…again.

Only this time, I was afraid I’d never recover.

It was rather frightening that the gorgeous redhead sitting next to me had the power to make or break my happiness, but there it was, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do to change that.

“Oh, Dylan, look! I can see all the lights of Los Angeles,” Kylie squealed as she looked out the window with an awed, happy expression on her face.

I’d seen it before, many times, but watching it through her eyes was so much more gratifying. “I see that,” I answered with a grin. “I guess I don’t look all that often anymore.”

“How could you not look?” she asked. “It’s beautiful.”

No, she was beautiful, and I found myself watching her instead of the lights below.

Damian had warned me about getting to the point where I’d do anything just to see Kylie smile, and I’d reached that stage without ever realizing it had happened at first.