Page 66 of Tell Me I'm Yours

Yes, I had, but I hadn’t counted on doing it in my bedroom, knowing that she’d just silently agreed to let me get her naked.

“Talk,” I said, forcing myself to be patient as I watched her lean back against the door.

Obviously, she wasn’t ready to saunter over here quite yet.

“You said some things earlier that took me a while to digest,” she said softly. “I feel the same way, Dylan, but I have to be honest; it scares the hell out of me.”

The tension in my body started to fade away because her fear was a lot more important than my lust. “Why?”

“I’m not used to this,” she answered, her voice a little more certain. “I’m not able to accept that a guy like you really cares about me, and only me. Maybe that sounds pathetic, but it’s the truth. I wasn’t kidding when I told you that men get bored, and they leave, or they’re unfaithful. It’s the only kind of relationship I’ve ever known. In every relationship I’ve ever had, I felt like I was always just waiting for it to happen, and it always did, or I’d run like hell when I thought it was coming, even if it hadn’t happened yet. I never seem to find that guy who just wants me and wants to…stay.”

My chest ached as I recognized how difficult this admission was for her. “Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you sought that out on purpose because if someone gave you what you wanted, you wouldn’t know how to handle it?”

She nodded slowly. “I don’t think I realized that until tonight. I don’t know how to handle you. I don’t know how to handle us. I didn’t realize that I wanted you so much that I was willing to piss away a chance at something really special just to avoid getting hurt. I don’t want to do that anymore. I want to let you care about me, and I want you to let me care about you, too.”

It took everything I had not to get out of bed and snatch her away from that door until I knew for sure she couldn’t just suddenly bolt. “Sweetheart, I have absolutely no problem letting you show me how much you care. I want that, Kylie. I always have. Maybe I don’t deserve a woman like you, but that doesn’t keep me from wanting you anyway.”

“No!” she said adamantly. “You do deserve someone who really cares about you, Dylan. That’s why I’m here. I want to try this whole mutual affection thing, but I had to tell you that I’m not good at it, in case I screw it up.”

Fuck! Like I cared if she made a few mistakes? I didn’t. As long as she didn’t leave, I’d be ecstatic.

“I’m not going anywhere, Kylie, so I guess we just keep trying until we get it right. If you try to run, I’ll find you. As long as you end up being mine at the end, I don’t give a damn how long it takes,” I grumbled.

“Have I told you what an incredible guy you are, Dylan Lancaster?” she murmured.

“Maybe,” I replied. “But it never hurts to hear it again.”

Hell, she could probably utter those words a million times, and I’d never get tired of hearing them.

Honestly, what I really wanted was for her to move her gorgeous self a whole lot closer than she was at the moment.

Yes, I’d told her what was going to happen, but it was still her choice to make.

And she was way too close to that damn door.

“Okay, so if we’ve gotten all that out of the way, I’m ready to get naked now,” she said as she moved forward, pulled that barely-there top she was wearing over her head, and tossed it on the floor.

I watched, stunned, as she tossed that glorious flame-colored hair, and it flowed down to frame the most perfect pair of breasts I’d ever seen.

Kylie was fair, and her nipples were a luscious shade of pink that made my mouth water.

My dick twitched as she shot me a sultry smile that I’d never seen before.

“I hope you realize how close you are to getting hauled into this bed and landing flat on your back,” I growled.

“God, I really hope so,” she said in a fuck-me voice that made me come very close to losing it. “I feel like I’ve been lusting after you forever, Dylan.”

“Right. That’s it. There’s only so much a man can take,” I rumbled as I rose, wrapped my arms around her, and tossed her onto the bed.

I pinned her arms over her head and just drank in her startled expression.

“Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to see you just like this?” I asked her, my voice desperate. “In my bed, and telling me that you want me?”

Seeing her this way, the need in her eyes telling me everything I wanted to know without words was heart-stopping.

“I do want you,” she said softly. “I need you, Dylan. Make love to me. Fuck me. Make the ache I can’t seem to get rid of go away.”

Fuck! I knew that gut-wrenching hunger, and I was about to sate it for both of us. “We can’t go back after this,” I warned her.