Page 65 of Tell Me I'm Yours



I wasn’t quite asleep when I heard the faint creak of my bedroom door opening.

I rolled onto my side, glad I’d left on the small bedside lamp that afforded enough light to allow me to watch as the gap in the door got a little wider.

My heart started to pound against my chest wall, and I swore that the door was opening at a bloody snail’s pace.

A little more…

And then it stopped.

Slightly wider…

And then…nothing.

“Are you planning on coming in, or are you just here to torture me,” I said drily.

She pushed the door open and popped her head inside. “I wasn’t sure if you were still awake.”

And…she completely leveled me with a slightly timid smile.

When in the hell had Kylie ever been shy or hesitant?

“As you can see, I’m awake,” I said, stating the obvious.

“Can we…talk?” she asked as she opened the door wider.

Could we…talk?

Fuck! Did she really think she could sashay into my bedroom, and I’d still have the ability to put two coherent thoughts together?

“Is it urgent?” I asked hoarsely. “Are you all right? Is Jake sick? Is someone dying?”

She shook her head. “None of those things. I just wanted to tell you something.”

“Then, by all means, come in, but before you do, I think I should warn you that if you walk through that door, there won’t be a very long discussion before I get you naked and into this bed,” I said bluntly.

I saw absolutely no reason not to be truthful with her.

She simply nodded, opened the door completely, walked inside, and closed the door behind her.

Kylie was dressed in pajamas that were similar to the ones she’d been wearing the morning I’d made her pancakes.

Her hair was down and starting to curl on the ends like she’d showered, and it was still damp.

I doubted very much that she was trying to seduce me, but I’d never seen anything sexier than her right now in my entire life.

I sat up and leaned against the headboard, my cock so hard that it was almost painful.

I’d warned her, right?

She knew exactly what she was getting herself into, but she’d walked into the lion’s den anyway.

I clenched my fists and told myself to slow down.

Hadn’t I just told my brother that I needed to listen to her?