Page 5 of Tell Me I'm Yours



“Okay, this is perfect,” I muttered to myself as I unpacked my suitcase. “It even has a sitting room with a desk that will double as an office.”

I didn’t want to admit that the suite I was making myself comfortable in upstairs was…slightly intimidating.

Yeah, I was a California native, and I was used to seeing ridiculously expensive real estate, but I’d never actually stayed in any of those pricy mansions.

The enormous bedroom, sitting room, and en suite bathroom were bigger than the entire one-bedroom apartment I rented in Newport Beach.

I frowned as I turned back to the bed to grab some underwear from the suitcase. “I’m not so sure you should be making yourself at home on this bed, Jake.”

My canine had taken the temporary move in stride. He’d come a long way from the abused, frightened shelter dog he’d been two years ago when I’d adopted him. Jake opened one eye from his place on the gorgeous teal comforter, but he didn’t move.

I shrugged as I went to the dresser and stuffed my panties and bras into a drawer. I let Jake sleep on my bed at home, and I kept him well-groomed. The last thing I wanted was to confuse him. I’d already brought him to a strange home in Beverly Hills to live with a guy who obviously wasn’t a dog lover.

If Jake gets the pretty comforter dirty, Dylan Lancaster can well afford the dry cleaning bill.

I sighed as I started to hang up some of my stuff in the closet. It wasn’t like I hadn’t known that this endeavor was going to be difficult.

Dylan Lancaster was a selfish billionaire with an attitude problem, just like I’d expected.

I just didn’t prepare myself for the unlikely event of being attracted to him.

God, why would I have ever imagined that I would be?

He was a total jerk.

He was a man-whore who indulged in orgies and other hedonistic behavior.

Ultimately, he had no redeeming qualities at all that were readily apparent or obvious. It was highly possible that none existed. Not even ones that were deeply buried in that smoking-hot body of his.

It’s strictly physical. He smells good. He has a drool worthy body, and he’s drop-dead gorgeous. That silky smooth baritone with a sexy British accent adds to his appeal, too.

Yep. I was simply reacting to hormones, but I was completely turned off by his character.

My best friend was marrying the “good” twin, Damian Lancaster, a guy who was actually worthy of respect.

Oddly, I could appreciate the fact that Damian was incredibly attractive, but he’d never once made a single one of my female hormones twitch.

Unlike his identical twin, who had practically made those hormones get up and dance the second I’d walked through the door.

I hated the way I’d reacted to Dylan. Did I have some kind of secret affinity for bad boys that I’d never known existed?

I felt like an idiot because, for a few moments, I’d literally lost all of my ability to think or speak.

Me! A woman who made her living as a public relations crisis manager. I was successful at what I did because I had the ability to talk my clients out of trouble, and I never lost my reason during that process.

What in the hell is wrong with me? Why am I always attracted to the jerks?

The hair stood up at the back of my neck before I actually heard Dylan’s voice. “Did Damian send you here?” he asked flatly.

I turned to see Dylan leaning against the doorjamb of the bedroom, his expression angry, but as I caught his gaze, I could also sense some defeat in those gorgeous green depths.

“No,” I told him honestly, not looking away. “This was all me. Nicole and Damian have been through hell, and I don’t want their wedding to be ruined if you decide to pull another asinine stunt like you did when you got caught by reporters and photographers during your drunken orgy.”

“It was a setup. I was drugged,” he said defensively.