Page 30 of Tell Me I'm Yours

She was here.

She was real.

She cared whether or not I was okay, and her worry was so intense that I could feel it.

She’d shared her own demons that she’d conquered.

And she was the only person I really trusted when I felt this damn raw.

She deserved to know the truth.

It was just a hellish story to tell, for me.

I took a deep breath, my mind perfectly clear as I made the decision to finally tell someone who wasn’t involved in my current treatment the truth.

It was time, and once I’d told Kylie, maybe it would be easier to tell everyone else.

She was a soft place to fall for me, and I knew she wouldn’t judge. I trusted her.

I cleared my throat. “It was the day I had a disagreement with my pregnant fiancée, causing her to flee in anger. She was hit by a bus not more than three or four meters away from me. I watched her die right in front of me, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do to save her.”