Page 50 of Player

Evie: Crazy meth head Joe?

Ruby: I won’t put up with the kind of stuff like Mom did.

Ruby: I’ve got to get out.

I frown.

Evie: OK.

Evie: You can’t do what Mom did – right?

Ruby: No! This is a once in a lifetime problem. Swear.

I roll my eyes.

Evie: Except this is the third time.

Ruby: Talk later. ’K?

Ruby: Paypal me a thousand.

Ruby: TY!

I log in at Paypal, check my credit, and hit ‘Send.’ I scroll to the next text.

Mom: Ruby’s trying to scam money off me.

Mom: She’ll ask you next. Tell her ‘No.’

Mom: I have ESP about this shit. Something’s hinky. Say ‘No.’


Mom: I miss you.

Mom: When are you coming to visit me?

Mom: I miss the old days.

Evie: Miss you too, Mom.

Evie: We’ll talk in next couple. ’K?

Mom: Love you, daughter.

Evie: Love you back.

And in less than a minute my shoulders have knitted to my ears. I mute my phone, stuff it in my purse, and exit the bathroom. I’ll be damned if I’m going to let family drama cut into whatever time I have left with Dylan. My sexy player’s leaning against the wall, looking Texas boy next door handsome in jeans and cowboy boots, his casual shirt open a few buttons. My pulse picks up. “Hey, hot cowboy,” I say walking toward him.

“Everything okay?” he asks as we make our way through crowded airport corridors.

“Another day, another drama.”

“Anything important?”

I shake my head. “Family stuff.”

“Know that one well.” He’s not meeting my eye. The springs are already pre-loading within him, coiling tight.