Page 11 of Player

“How’d you score a two thousand dollar dress?”

“Ma Maison’s giving me a clothing allowance for more exclusive dates.”

“Nice.” I stare in the full-length mirror and fuss with the skirt, smoothing it over my legs where it falls a few inches above the knee. “What about the length? Too old-fashioned?”

“It’s elegant. What’s up with you and the worrying? Want to tell me something?”

“Nothing to tell.”

“Beg to differ,” she says. “I’ve never seen you this wound up about a job. If Dylan McAlister was candy he’d be Red Hots. I think you’re going to have sex with him.”

“Oh, please. I haven’t even met him.”

“Someone’s going to pop your escort cherry, Evie.”


“Because it’s expected.”

“What if I don’t want to do that?”



“Play the game or go back to being a full time kindergarten teacher.”

“Stop being a bitch. Did you Google Dylan?”

“At least this bitch is your true, honest friend. Yes, I’ve seen his picture. I’ve seen his entire resume. Impressive.”

My heart sinks. “What are you saying?”

“Madam Marchand offered the McAlister gig to someone else before you.”

“You?” Disappointment mixed with a twinge of jealousy trickles like a pinch of poison through my veins. “She offered it to you? He picked you first?”

“Not me.” She waves her hand dismissively. “Victoria.”

“Victoria? Ew.”

“You two share a similar fake bio. Written by the same copywriter, remember?”

“Except I don’t do hard kink. And I don’t spread my legs for just anyone let alone everyone.”

“You don’t spread your legs for anyone, Evie. I’m the last person to talk you into anything. I’m the last person on this planet to tell… you know what? Forget it. Do what you’re comfortable with. Do what makes you happy.”

“That’s right,” I say. “I’ll do what I want to do. And, and… Victoria didn’t want Dylan McAlister? What’s wrong? Is he some kind of freak?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugs. “I don’t think so. Victoria turned the engagement down because she’s got a new boyfriend. He’s taking her to Paris this weekend.”

“Good for her,’ I say, my excitement dashed. “If Dylan picked Victoria first, maybe I should turn down this gig too. There’s a great concert in town this weekend. A guy from my gym asked me out, you know.”

“Excellent.” Amelia says, absorbed in her phone. “Do you like him?”

“No. But he could grow on me.”

“Right. I think Dylan picked Victoria first because Madam pushed him in her direction. She manipulates, you know. Some girls pay her extra on the side. Who do you think she makes more money off of? You? Or Victoria?”