Page 49 of Player

Amelia: A tear?

Evie: Figuring out a puzzle.

Amelia: OK?

Amelia: You can always run stuff by me, you know. I’m happy to help.

Amelia: I’ll water your plants.

Amelia: Make sure your Fan isn’t walking around naked in your apartment while you’re OOT.

Amelia: Playing with your underwear.

I shiver.

Evie: TY for the lovely visual.

Evie: No worries I’ll be back tomorrow night late.

Amelia: K. Let me know if anything changes.

Amelia: I’m a little worried about you.

Evie: Will do.

Amelia: Promise.

Evie: Promise.

I check more texts.

Madame M: As much as I like you, Evelyn -- you are replaceable.

Madame M: Just tell me if you don’t want to work at Ma Maison.

I sigh.

Evie: LOVE working for Ma Maison.

Evie: Finishing up a personal issue. Sorry. Back soon. Promise.

Madame M: Don’t disappoint me.

I scroll.

Ruby: In a pinch. Send $ please. I’ll pay it back.

Ruby: Seriously -- need your help.

Crap! What’s going on now?

Evie: How much?

Evie: What’s going on?

Ruby: Some crazy guy.

Evie: Crazy BF guy?