Page 29 of Player

“Yup. Something intriguing about his intensity. His focus. All his smarts. You know -- I’d never go behind your back or anything – but he was hot.”

“Newlyweds?” the manager asks seated behind the counter, her chin resting in her hands, snapping her gum, watching us like we’re a tennis match.

“Not yet,” Dylan says.

I blush.

“First date?” the manager asks.

“Nope,” I say.

“I totally agree with your girlfriend,” the manager says, “You know Kenny Roger’s song, “The Gambler?” Who doesn’t hear that song and not long to be a gambler? Or at the very least -- be with one?”

“Me,” Dylan says.

“Not all gamblers are creeps,” I say. “Come on, honey. Let’s hit the casino.”

“Not up for that,” he says finishing the registration, signing his name with a flourish. “Besides, I’m more a minor league ball kind of guy.”

“If I had to pick one,” the manager says, “I’d vote ball game.”

“Ball game it is. ’Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack?’” I ask waggling my eyebrows.

He bites back a smile, opens the lobby door, and gestures. “Yeah, yeah, I have a feeling you’ll talk me into it.”

Dylan closes the door to our small motel room. The window AC unit makes grindy noises, chugging along more enthusiastically than the half-assed one at my place. I take this as a good sign. “Have you thought about what you’re doing?” He asks. “Staying overnight isn’t in your contract.”

“I know.”

He approaches me, releasing the decorative clips and my hair falls down my shoulders, my back, hitting my waist. He loops a thick lock around his hand, pulling me closer to him with each turn. We stand just inches away from each other, heat sparking between us. I’d have to be blind not to notice the sizeable bulge in his pants. I wet my lips.

“Full disclosure?” he asks.

“Yes.” My pulse races.

“I don’t get involved with women I hire to accompany me to games. Say the word and we’ll keep it PG-13.”

“Got it,” I say, staring at his full lips. Dying for them to be on my body. “Full disclosure?”

“Yes.” He twirls my hair around his hand, reeling me toward him until my breasts flatten against his chest, his thick erection presses into my pelvis. He places one hand behind my head, leans in, and his mouth is on mine. The stubble from his unshaven beard scrapes my face. His tongue explores my mouth, and I moan softly, twisting my fingers in his thick chestnut hair pulling him closer to me if that’s even possible.

His kiss isn’t playful like in the motel lobby, not light like the first time he brushed them against mine at the fancy five star Chicago hotel. He’s claiming me. Kissing him for real is exactly what I suspected: magical – lips tingling, cheeks flushing, my body bathed in stardust after a meteor shower blows through.

This man. This sexy man. “Full disclosure,” I say, my breath ragged. “I’ve never slept with any of my clients.”

“Really?” He stops and regards me quizzically. “But you’re so smart. Pretty. I don’t get it.” He slides the strap of my dress off my shoulder with one finger, his touch raising goosebumps on the backs of my arms.

“Sleeping with someone isn’t a given.” My fingers fumble as I unbutton his shirt, each button popping open gives me pleasure, my breath coming faster. “FYI, not once in the history of the world has any guy said, ‘Good God, I must fuck that woman. She’s got tits to die for, but the best part is she’s so smart.’”

“Hah!” He feathers kisses and bites down my neck onto my bare shoulder. My breath quickens. His hand finds the back of my dress and unzips it. My country club casual dress slides awkwardly down my body and he tugs on it with one impatient hand until it lands pooled on my calves. “Lose the dress, Lucky Charm.”

I place one hand on his shoulder, balance on a summer sandal, and step out of it. I stand next to him wearing only my shoes, lace bra, and matching panties. Feeling nearly naked. Vulnerable.

Dylan inhales. “Wow.” He takes me in from head to toe, one hand grazing my cheek, my neck, skimming my breast, my nipple already pebbling before he even touches it. “Good God, Evie, you’re beautiful.”

“Thanks.” I shiver.

“Bed.” He tugs me toward the queen-sized bed at the far end of the small room.