Page 95 of The Spectre

Skye doesn’t waste a second before shooting.

While I observe the dead father and son on the ground, Scott’s eyes remain glued to Aidan, ignoring everything else around him.

“Fuck,” he curses.

“We don’t have time. We need to leave now. The place is going to blow up any second.” When I direct my gaze towards Aidan, I observe that he’s gone pale, and his eyes are closed.

“Aidan.” My hand tightly grips him as I shake him to get a response. “Baby, wake up.” The feeling of fear and panic causes my hands to tremble involuntarily. The sound of curses fills the air as I turn around and notice that Cal and Riccardo are staring in our direction.

“Let’s go,” says Scott, kneeling to lift Aidan in a fireman’s hold

“Guys, everybody out. Now!” The sound of my shouting fills the earpiece, drowning out all other noise.

The situation has escalated to the point where individuals are either engaged in fighting or attempting to vacate the hangar. However, all possible exits have been sealed, leaving them trapped.

With Aidan over his shoulder, Scott is practically sprinting ahead while Cal follows closely behind. Riccardo and Em are standing close to me, while Tim, D, and Rocky are positioned behind us.

“50 seconds.” The scream that comes out of Cailean’s mouth is deafening. With every step we take, the way out seems to stretch out further and further.

Cailean’s voice breaks the silence once more as we approach the exit. “15 seconds.”

“Shit. We don’t have time. Everyone on the ground. NOW!” I can feel the tension in my body as I shout.

Just before the explosion hits, we manage to cover our heads, but fragments of the hangar still rain down around us.

“Fuck me,” someone says. A high-pitched ringing noise fills my ears. I turn my head in all directions to check if everyone is okay. Scott threw himself over Aidan and Em, shielding them from harm.


These two are so drawn to each other that it’s almost comical. It’s like watching a cartoon where the characters are trying to resist a giant magnet pulling them together but failing miserably.

“Everyone okay?” I ask as a dull throb begins to pulse through my head. Something warm and sticky drips down my face.

“All good.” The sound of their voices reaching my ears one by one echoes in my mind.

“Princess, you’re bleeding.” Tim confirms what I thought. I bring my hand to my head and feel the sting of a fresh wound.

“It’s nothing. Let’s get out of here.” I wobble as I try to stand up, feeling a sudden rush of dizziness. Tim notices my struggle and is there in an instant to keep me on my feet. “I’m good.” As I lift my head to check on Aidan, I am met with his intense gaze, like the depths of the forest.

“Y-you’re not f-fine,” he states.

“You’re the one with a bullet in your stomach, not me.” The sound of my voice clearly conveys my concern, and he gives me a facial expression that resembles more of a pained wince than a smile.

“B-but at least w-we will have t-twin scars.” It’s true. I find myself automatically reaching for the scar I obtained from being stabbed.

Same place.

Different weapons.

“Let’s go, smartass.” Moving closer to him, I reach out my hand and run my fingers through his hair. “Let’s get you checked out, shall we?”

“B-Baby, you’re g-going to h-have a life full of m-my shit, so e-enjoy the small bit of q-quiet time that y-you have.” He gives me a flirty wink, making my heart skip a beat. The feeling of amusement takes over as I shake my head, unable to contain my snort. Even hurt, this guy is incredibly full of his own shit.

Chapter 26


Everything hurts. My eyes dart around the room, but the only thing that greets me is a wall of silence.