“No,” he replies. Focusing back on Senior, he adds, “Father. I would have loved to take my sweet time with you, but as you heard my daughter-in-law, this place is going to blow up any minute now, and your life is not worth mine. Say hi to Lucifer for me.” Before Senior has the time to say anything, Cal aims for his head and pulls the trigger twice, then his chest and neck for good measure.
I look at him with amusement. “I think one bullet was enough.”
“Not taking any risks. If he’s not dead with two bullets in his head, one in his neck, and one in his heart, the old man is a fucking demon.” That makes me burst out in laughter.
“Okay, let’s keep moving. We need to find them.”
In the distance, I spot Riccardo and immediately start running towards him, skillfully weaving through my teammates to avoid getting hit. “Riccardo. The place is going to explode in less than 10 minutes. We need to find everyone and get them out.”
Riccardo’s eyes fixate on the man in front of him, blood dripping from his fingers. He aims and fires, a single bullet piercing the man’s forehead.
Okay. That’s a concise way to get to the point.
The acrid smell of gun smoke hangs heavily in the air. Fusco and Shaan are in the middle, surrounded by the bodies of the deceased.
I promised Skye some fun, so I decide to leave Shaan for her while Fusco is reserved for Em.
Panic sets in as I realise I can’t locate Aidan anywhere.
“Where are you?” I ask through my earpiece.
I feel someone yanking me back before gunfire reaches my ears. When I turn around to see who pulled me back, I see a man lying in a pool of blood, his mask destroyed by the fight, a bullet wound in his chest. As I pivot to see who shot him, Aidan appears before me, his face painted with the blood of his enemies, a faint smile on his lips.
Something is wrong.
As soon as I see his hand, I notice the blood and realise he is hurt.
No, no, no.
Running towards him, I can feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I frantically search for the gravity of his injury.
“Don’t you dare leave me here alone.” I can feel my heart pounding, my hand pressing against my chest.
“Death isn’t going to take me that easily,” he says with confidence. “It’s just a scratch.”
“Let me see.” With hesitance, he removes his hand, and the blood pours out in a heavier stream, revealing a bullet lodged in his rib cage.
“I’m fine. I’ve had worse. Like I said, just a scratch.” With each word he speaks, his cough rattles his chest, and blood trickles from his mouth.
“We need to get out of here. Now. Do you think you can walk?”
“Of course I can.” His words gradually slow down as his blood loss increases.
“I swear to god, Aidan Preston. You better not die on me,” I say through gritted teeth. “I’ll chase you to hell just to bring you back and kill you myself. You do not get to die on me. We haven’t been through all of this for me to lose you again.” The lump in my throat grows, and I can feel the tears welling up.
I will not cry.
Now’s not the time.
My head swivels back and forth, searching for someone amidst the chaos, when a loud bang jolts me to a stop.
Fusco lies motionless on the ground. Em’s Desert Eagle aimed directly at his lifeless form.
“You, bitch. You killed my father!” Shaan screams.
“Skye. He’s all yours. But hurry, we don’t have much time.”
“Don’t worry, Shaan. You’ll follow him promptly.” I shout, pointing at the red target right on his heart.