Page 6 of The Spectre

With a nod from my da’, I reach into my holster and pull out my gun. Tim and Scott stand on either side of me, their guns at the ready, as we cautiously move forward. As we enter, I’m hit by the sounds of cries. A sense of urgency grips me as we press on.

“This way,” my da’ says. The dark corridor stretches out before us as we walk, and we are suddenly halted by the sound of voices echoing through the stone walls.

“Shut up, bitch. Fuck, your arse is so tight.” Without even pausing to think, I let my anger take over and burst through the door.

Watching the scene unfold in front of me feels like a horror movie. I don’t think and storm into the room, grabbing the fucker by the throat while the guys do the same with the two others.

“You motherfucker.” I swing my fist and connect with his jaw, and the satisfaction of the hit is almost euphoric. “Take her out of here.” My shout pierces the silence as I look at the girl, tears streaming down her face. “Where’s my sister?”

He lets out a sinister laugh, blood dripping from his mouth. I punch him again.

“Where. Is. My. Sister?” I ask again, emphasising each word with a sharp punctuating pause.

“That bitch? Dead.” I stop to breathe. What did he just say? Just as I open my mouth to ask him more, my da’s urgent tone catches my attention.

“Aidan. Here.” With a stern expression, I direct the guys to stay where they are. Rage fills my eyes. Entering the second room, my heart suddenly stops beating.

No, no, no.

I run to her and collapse onto the ground. I can’t help but stare in shock at her lifeless body lying before me.

“Aisla. Sis, wake up.” I shake her hard. “Sisi, open your eyes for me.”


“NO. Sissy, open your beautiful eyes for me. C’mon. I promise I’ll watch those stupid shows with you.”

She’s not moving. Why is she not moving?

“Aidan.” My da’s voice breaks as he calls out my name, tears streaming down his face. “She’s gone, son. Look at her arm.”

It takes a moment for me to realise she is covered in blood, her frail form marked with bruises and a needle piercing her skin. Her hand is half open, with something inside. Opening it, I notice that the key necklace Blakely and I gifted to her is tightly clenched in her fist as if she had been holding onto it until her final moments. The world falls away, and I am left with nothing but the sound of my own heartbeat pounding in my ears, drowning out Scott’s voice.

I burst out of the room, the weight of the gun in my hand. I act on pure instinct, firing at the two men in front of me, succumbing to my inner beast. I push my da’s guards out of the way and make my way towards her piece of shit of a boyfriend. With one hand gripping his throat, I hold my gun against his lips.

“Why?” He struggles to breathe as I press it deeper into his throat, rendering him unable to speak. “I asked you a question.” My voice sounds like that of a madman, unrecognisable to even myself. Retrieving my gun from his mouth, I hit him hard on his scalp.

He tumbles to the ground, but I continue with my strike. “Why?”

His gaze meets mine, blood smearing his face, his dick still out of his trousers. I wrinkle my nose in disgust as the unmistakable smell of urine fills the air.

This arse peed himself.

“She,” he starts, “She did it herself.”

“She did what herself?”

“She took the syringe and killed herself.” I’m so frenzied that my appearance must give away my madness. “Don’t kill me. I can tell you who wanted to buy her and who is behind it,” he says, his eyes darting around the room nervously.

I laugh like a lunatic. “Do you really think I’m going to spare your life?” I lean closer to him and whisper in his ear. “I’ll find them. And I’ll kill them one by one. But you. You don’t get to see another day in your life.” I pull the trigger, the sound of the gunshots echoing through the room, followed by the sickening thud of bullets hitting flesh. One in his chest, one in his stomach, one in his head. I feel a hand on my shoulder, begging me to stop.

“He’s dead. He’s dead, son. Stop.” My body feels disconnected from my mind. There’s a complete absence of feeling. I’m numb to the core. Lifting my head, I’m met with a mirror image of my own eyes staring back at me. My sister’s eyes. The ones I’ll never get to see ever again. Tears stream down his face, each droplet a testament to the pain he feels inside.

“I’m in.” My words blur out, leaving him with a confused expression.

“Aidan,” Scott murmurs.

“I’m in,” I repeat firmly. “You can join me or not. It’s your decision. But these men won’t see another day in their lives.”