Page 62 of The Spectre

“I had it done when you left for France.” He looks at me with intensity. “Have you ever wondered why I call you Tink all this time?”

“Because I’m tiny like Tinkerbell?” I answer, which makes him laugh.

“Not at all. Well, in part. Tinkerbell sprinkles fairy dust to allow things to fly. It’s magical. That’s what you are to me. You make me feel like I’m flying on a cloud. You sprinkled me with love even when I was at my worst. You’re magical to me. The most precious thing that I have ever possessed.”

I take a deep breath at his confession. I did not expect that. The emotion forms a lump in my throat. That was… wow.

“Sleep, baby.” I’m cocooned in his arms, feeling exhausted and raw. The warmth of his lips in the crook of my neck is the last thing I feel before falling into a deep sleep.

I’m working on the video footage from Tim’s attack, and saying that it is an effortless task would be a lie. After multiple arguments, I finally got Aidan to agree to let me work from my bed. Not that I needed his permission, but his overprotectiveness makes it difficult. I’ve been working on this video for hours now. I can feel I’m close to decrypting it. Something is bothering me, though.

“Come on,” I say to myself. And that’s when the magic happens. “Yes!”

“Are you talking to yourself?”

“Shit, you scared me. I should put a bell around your neck.” Aidan is posted in front of the door, a plate in his hand. The mouthwatering scent emanating from it is enough to make my stomach rumble with hunger.

“Now, now. That’s no way to speak to the hand that feeds you.” He walks closer. We didn’t really talk about what happened earlier this morning. We’re not together, but we’re not not together. A lot of information has been divulged, and I’m not sure I can trust him again with my heart just yet. But I guess we came to a silent understanding.

“You know I won’t stay stuck in this bed, right?” Being bedridden has been a nightmare for me. I’m used to always being on my feet, and I miss training. Which I know will be another fight with him. He places the plate in front of me, and my mouth waters.

“Is that?”

He finishes for me. “Your maw’s veggie lasagne. Aye, it is.” His smile grows bigger.

“I may have helped him.” I look towards the door, and my eyes start to water. Shocker. I’ve been crying non-stop these past few days.

“Mam. What are you doing here? How?” With great care, she pulls me into her loving embrace, and I am immediately comforted by the warm, soothing fragrance that is uniquely hers.

“We immediately ended our holiday as soon as we found out what happened.” She sits on the edge of the bed, the mattress sinking beneath her weight. “You should have called us,” she says accusingly. “Why did I learn that a random guy stabbed you from Aidan?”

I look at him, studying his face, and decide to go along with his lies.

“You called her?” I am filled with gratitude. I missed her.

“Us.” I turn my head once more and catch a glimpse of my da’, who is wearing a breezy floral shirt and casual shorts.

“Da’.” Tears stream down my face as I let out sobs.

“How is my pumpkin?” he asks, pulling me into a warm embrace. I steal a quick glance at Aidan, silently conveying my thanks. God, I missed them both. I didn’t want to cause unnecessary concern. I mean, I’m fine, I’m not dying.

As we chat for a bit, I notice the way their eyes light up when they talk about their travels. I feel my mam sink further down beside me, breathing softly and even as she lets out a deep yawn.

“Okay, kids. I think it’s time for us to go,” says my da’.

After flying in, they booked a hotel nearby and came straight here from the airport. They must be utterly exhausted.

“I told you that you can stay here if you wish to,” Aidan says.

“No need for that, son. The hotel we booked is just a short distance away and has a charming ambiance. We’re not young, and the journey, plus the worry, have worn us out.”

I chuckle because, in truth, they’re not even close to being old. They’re both in their early 50s, so saying they’re old is a joke in itself. With curly hair and dark eyes, I am the spitting image of my mother. But I definitely took after my father when it comes to personality traits. I can’t help but feel jealous of his tall frame and captivating blue eyes.

“We’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll cook us a delicious dinner, and we can make it a special occasion by inviting Bailey and Scott,” says my mam. I nod as I embrace her, thanking them for being here.

Once they leave, Aidan comes back to the room and takes my mam’s place on the bed.

“Thank you. Thank you for calling them.” I still feel raw with the emotions of the past few days.