She is right. I know she is. She is a talented doctor, but it doesn’t mean I’m happy about letting Blakely out of my sight. Am I willing to risk her life when we don’t know how deep the wound is? Absolutely not.
With a groan, I step away from her, making my way over to her team.
At the same time, Bailey shouts, “Everybody out!” In perfect unison, they all exit the room and head towards the main room.
“What the hell happened?” I shout at them once we’re in the living room. “And do not bullshit me. What. The. Hell. Happened?” My da’ and Scott are standing nearby, their eyes fixed on them, waiting for their answers. One guy, I think his name is Cailean, looks towards my da’, waiting for something. I can see the slight nod that my father gives him. What the hell is happening?
“We were in Linlithgow.”
“WHAT?” Scott and I yell at the same time. Cailean’s eyes dart around with uncertainty, hinting that he may not wish to continue the conversation.
“Exactly what I said. We were in Linlithgow for reconnaissance. We know the Snakes are not working alone. And we needed information for—” Cailean is cut off by Scott.
“Are you fucking kidding me? You thought it was a good idea to go there by yourself? And to take my sister along?”
“Listen. First of all, our team is competent enough for a mission like that. Second of all, your sister is the boss, so we follow her orders. And third of all, you asked for help if I recall properly.” Cailean’s anger is palpable.
“We asked for internal help, not for her to almost get killed.” Now it’s my turn to shout, my hands clenching into fists. I need to hit something. What the fuck was she thinking?
“That was not our first rodeo, and it won’t be the last. How do you think we get most of our information?” says Emilie. I’m so confused.
“You’ll have to elaborate because what you’re saying doesn’t make any sense to me,” spits Scott. My da’ shifts his position.
“She’s working with me.” That’s all he says. I think my father has lost his mind.
“She’s working with you? I’m afraid you’ll have to elaborate as well, father.”
“She’s working with me. Has been for years now. It was a few months after she left Scotland when I reached out to her for the first time,” he pauses, “At first, she helped me with some simple cases, but I recognise a talented lawyer when I see one. And she has more than talent. She has been working closely with me since a little bit after your sister's death and when some of The Twelve tried to bring us down. Did you think you were the only one destroyed by that? She was as well.” He passes a hand through his hair, showing his agitation. “Damn, she even agreed to work with me when I called her because you were in prison.” He takes a deep breath. I am seeing red. Walking slowly towards him, I repeat.
“You implicated her with The Twelve?” I can feel Scott’s anger reflecting mine. “You had her working with criminals that could kill her?” I grab him by the collar of his shirt. Everybody gasps at my move. “Are you out of your fucking mind? Everything I’ve done was to keep her safe and out of this shit. And now you’re telling me that you’ve put her in danger for years now?” Pushing him against the wall behind him, I lean closer to him. “You. Put. Her. In. Danger.”
Trying to speak despite my grip, he says. “I told you she wasn’t the girl you once knew. I didn’t send her unprepared.” I release my grip because if I don’t, I may kill him right now. Touching his throat, he continues. “She has been trained. Physically trained because I knew something could happen.”
“Physically trained? Explain,” asks Scott, anger in his voice.
“I sent Tim to train her. They’ve been training together for almost seven years now. She knows how to defend herself.”
This explains the familiarity with Tim at the dojo.
It’s so obvious now. How did I miss it? I’m going to kill the mother fucker.
“So, in addition to that, you’re telling me that you sent one of my men to prepare her in case something happened?
“I did.”
“Because you trust him with your life. So, I knew you would trust him with hers.” While I’m not happy with what I’m hearing, I can’t disagree with the fact that Tim is one of the few I would trust to keep her safe. That’s why I sent him to Paris eight years ago. Call it passive stalking. I’m not crazy. I’d never let her go for years with no one watching over her, so I sent some of my men to keep an eye on her. But they were not supposed to interact with her or to let themselves be known. I really am going to kill him.
“Ahem, ahem.” Blondie clears her voice. I think her name is Eilidh. “If you’re done with the revelations, I have something that may interest you.”
“Which is?” I ask, raising a brow.
“Before the attack, we overheard people talking. From what we gathered, although we already knew this, we have confirmation that the Snakes are not working alone. It was the Italians. And I quote, ‘They’re so focused on the Snakes that they’re not looking elsewhere.’”
“Damn, girl,” says Emilie. “Your memories scare the shit out of me sometimes.” Scott’s eyes bore into hers with a disapproval scowl, which she waves away with her hand.
“Thank you. As I was saying, the Italians,” continues Eilidh.