With each step, the sound from the thud of my shoes hitting the airport floor grows louder, and sweat starts dripping down my lower back.
It’s only April. Why is it so hot?
With each passing moment, the buzzing in my head intensifies, and my breathing becomes more and more shallow, my fingers feeling numb.
Am I having a panic attack? Shit.
As we walk through the terminal, I turn around to face Emilie, but she knows me way too well.
“You’re fine. Take a deep breath. I’ll be with you all the way through.” She sounds sure of her words. Good for her because I think I’m starting to lose my shit. I’m not afraid of flying. I’m used to it by now, but even though I am super excited to see my sister and brother, I’m not ready to face him. It’s too soon.
How many years do you need to get over it? Get a grip, girl!
I take a deep breath and try to gain back my composure. Fail of the year.
“Okay, so I didn’t book a hotel. Bailey said we could stay at her place. Orrrr, Scott also pro?—”
“No. Absolutely not,” I cut her off. “Even though his place is huge, they still live together, and there’s no way I’m sleeping under the same roof as him once he’s out of prison,” I tell her, looking into her eyes, hoping she understands. “I don’t plan on staying there for long because it’s simply a ‘get him out of prison, go back home’ situation.”
“Okayyyy.” She’s completely unconvinced by what I’m saying. And not for nothing.
The police report is still under wraps, leaving us in the dark about any other evidence they have against him. The question that I have is: ‘How many corrupt cops played a role in his arrest?’ I guess I’ll find out soon enough.
Chapter 3
“Preston,” calls the guard, “you have a visitor.” Exhaustion threatens to overtake me as I press a hand over my face.
It has been three days since I ended up locked up in this place. Three days watching my back constantly, morning and night. Some of my guys have ended up in this very same place. But it’s a first for me. I’m still thinking about what happened and how it happened. The poorly executed job raises suspicions in my da’, who believes it’s a setup from the Snakes. Despite our complicated relationship, I can’t help but agree with him.
“Preston, I don’t have all day. Move your arse.” I release a frustrated exhale before following orders.
“Who is it?” I ask, expecting nothing but a sarcastic retort.
“Who am I? Your maw? Move and see for yourself.” Yeah, that’s exactly the answer I was expecting from Jo. I don’t trust him, but I trust him more than any other guard in here.
The entrance of the parlour buzzes, and I’m directed towards a seat.
“No sudden movement, and keep your hands in our sight, understood?”
“Yeah, yeah, I know the drill,” I say with a hint of annoyance.
Two minutes later, my da’ approaches, one hand in his pocket. He looks exhausted.
Welcome to the club, buddy.
“Son. How are you feeling?”
“Great, the food and people are lovely. And the mattress is a real treat. I couldn’t have dreamt any better,” I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.
With a sigh of frustration, he rubs his temples. “Cut the bullshit, would you?”
“What do you have? And where is my attorney?”
It has been three days, and I have yet to hear anything about the lawyer.
“They’re working on your case. The police took their sweet time to send their report. Without that, there was nothing they could have done. But they’re here, and you should meet them tomorrow.” Is he shitting me right now?