Page 82 of The Spectre

They don’t bother to shackle us with handcuffs.

“Sit,” says one of them. “The boss will be here shortly.” With that, they leave, locking the door behind them.

Checking on Scott, I start to whisper. “Tim, what else do we know? Do we know where Bailey is?” His answer is quick.

“We do. She’s still alive. They won’t touch her. They don’t want her. Unless she gives them too much trouble.”

“How many guys are waiting, and how did you know where we were?”

“Ohhhh, boss. I don’t know how I should take this lack of confidence you have in me. Really, I’m hurt.”

“Not the time.” I grit my teeth.

“We don’t really have a team, per se. I couldn’t trust them. But we have Blakely’s team.”

“Are you kidding me right now?” Scott shouts silently.

“I am not. I’ve been working with them for years, so believe me when I say that these women are better than most of the men you have on your team. At least we can trust them.”

I nod because there’s not much to say. He’s right. I cannot trust my team at the moment, and she is the best option we’ve got.

The door opens once again with Fusco’s face hiding behind his mask. I could recognise his posture anywhere.

“Well, hello there. I hope my guys didn’t give you too much trouble?”

“What the fuck do you want, Fusco?” I spit out.

“You got me,” he says dramatically, lifting his hands in the air. “I’m not surprised. You’ve always been a smart man, Aidan.”

“What the fuck do you want from us, and where’s my fucking sister?” asks Scott angrily.

“One question at the time. For your first question, the answer is easy,” he replies as he turns to face me. “Your father didn’t really let me make any choices. I’ve been at his side for almost 20 years, and he never once mentioned that I would get to take over his business. It has always been ‘Aidan this and Aidan that. He is my biggest accomplishment.’ I’ve watched you two destroy what your grandfather built. And for what? The only thing he’s doing is making us lose money, making us lose profit.”

“So this is all because of money? Seriously? You went through all this…. kidnapping us, kidnapping Bailey, just for money?” I don’t know why I expected more from him. Power is his only goal in life.

“Bailey was a mistake that my men paid for,” he answers, leaning against the wall.

“So why, if it was a mistake?” I need to confirm if Blakely's suspicion was correct.

“It was supposed to be Blakely. But apparently, they don’t know how to distinguish between two different human beings,” he says nonchalantly.

Feeling the rage consume me, I ask through gritted teeth. “Why do you want Blakely?” Her intuition has been right from the beginning.

“I don’t have any issues with her, but she was becoming too intrusive. And she is the most precious thing you possess, so it was only fair that you watch her die before I kill you.” I’m going to kill this fucker.

He turns to Scott and answers, “As far as Bailey’s current state… she is alive… for now. I need her to lure Blakely. You’ll see her shortly.” He moves towards the door and says before leaving. “Don’t do anything stupid, or you won’t live a minute past that decision.”

One of his guys stays a bit longer, fixated on me intensively. I can only see his eyes through his mask, but I don’t miss the slight nod he gives me before closing the door behind him.

“What was that?” asks Scott. So he saw it as well.

Before I have time to answer, Tim speaks into our earpieces. “Sooo, that was fun. Have you seen his piece of shit son yet?”

“No. Not yet. What are they waiting for? What kind of game are they playing?” I ask no one in particular.

“Dunno. Should we break free now, or are we waiting for something? Because I’m kinda bored right now,” asks Scott. I thought about it, but I don’t want to risk Bailey’s life.

“We wait for now.” Leaning against the back of the chair, my eyes dart around, searching for any clues. We are bound tightly to the chair, making it almost impossible to move, but we know we can free ourselves in seconds with the knives we have.